Saturday, November 4, 2017

Thanks Pam

    You know, people are always making comments about their in-laws and how awful they are and how hard they are to deal with and even how much they hate them. And it seems like it's usually the mother-in-law that they are talking about. So apparently I hit the jackpot when I married Tyler because I LOVE my mother-in-law. And I am so grateful to you, Pam, for a number of reasons.

    Thank you for raising Tyler. Thank you for all you did to teach him and love him and help him grow into the man that he became. Thank you for accepting the gospel so fully and teaching it to him in your home and with your example. Thank you for being so nice to me the first time we met. Thank you for being on my side when Tyler would call you when we were dating and we'd gotten into a fight. Thank you for wanting me to marry your baby boy. Thank you for welcoming me with open arms. Thank you for wanting me to come to family functions that summer that Tyler was gone and we weren't even engaged yet.
    Thank you for always always doing anything you can to help me out. When we lived in Utah, thank you for coming over to be with the kids so I could have a little break. Thank you for your Grandma Parties. Thank you for all the packages and cards you have sent. Thank you for coming to visit us. Thank you for loving me even though we have taken your grandbabies far away. Thank you for loving your grandbabies so fiercely. Thank you for playing games. Thank you for your baked beans recipe!!! Thank you for liking all of my facebook and instagram pictures. Thank you for making me laugh. Thank you for being the kind of mother-in-law that I like to spend time with without my husband.
     Without you and the person you are and the choices you have made, Tyler may not have been the same person and I wouldn't have had the man he is in my life. And then I wouldn't have Kale or Ellory. And you should know that you deserve some credit for that. Thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart. I couldn't imagine my life without you, now.

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