Sunday, May 1, 2016

Nana Came To Visit!

Nana was here!
Nana was here!
It was such a fun visit
and it went by crazy fast.
We really didn't do a whole lot.
The one thing I had planned
special got thwarted
because SOMEBODY
puked his guts out.
*cough cough Kale*
So it was mostly just
hanging out and playing at parks.
I hope Nana enjoyed it as much as we did!

Here are Nana and Ellory 
chillin on the couch,
possibly watching Word World:

The first day Nana was here we 
seriously just chilled.
Talk about snoresville.
But the next morning,
the kids were rearing to go.
Nana told me not to
take a picture,
but when Ellory allows 
someone other than mom
or dad to hold her,
you take a dang picture.

 While Nana was here,
we had really warm weather.
So, to the park we went!

Kale is obsessed with the 

Ellory fell asleep in the swing:

Ellory graduated from high chair to one of
Grandma's stools while Nana was here:

Also, she LOVES poptarts

Nana brought Kale awesome new
Ninja Turtle pajamas:

She also brought Ellory
an adorable Elsa nightgown.
Pictures to come.

So on this day I wrangled
Nana into helping me get
some shopping done.
She watched the kids 
while I shopped.
Yay for crappy coin rides!


We went to an outlet mall nearby.
I had ZERO success.
I'm so over the outlet mall now.
So we headed to Old Navy,
and of course I found what
I was looking for.
Old Navy and Target are all I ever need.
Ellory fell asleep in the car
so we grabbed Kale some 
McDonald's and he had a picnic
in the back while I was in 
Old Navy:

And Ellory was dead to the world:


When we got home,
the kids stripped down
and painted some rocks:

That night, mom watched the kids
for us while
Tyler and I went to the temple.
It was wonderful.
We even went to eat afterwards!
Red Robin, YUM!

The next day was beautiful weather,
so to the park we went again!
Well, different park :)


 Nana got a t-ball set for the kids,
and we had a great time playing!

Kale could hit the balls
Nana pitched to him.
He was so proud!

And he loved running the bases.
He got a home run every single time;
what are the odds??

That afternoon,
Tyler had a home track meet.
So, we headed that way,
and guess who fell asleep in the car again?

 Mom and Kale played at a park
while Ellory slept.
Then, we headed to the track meet.
We didn't stay long.
It really isn't any fun having little
kids at a track meet.
We stopped on the way home
and picked up some 
Tillamook ice cream.
Nana tried to win Ellory's 
heart by feeding her said ice cream.
It was a wise decision.

It was on this night that
Kale puked his guts out
in the middle of the night.
I think he had just gotten too much sun.
Poor kid!
I was planning on taking 
mom up to Silverton
and hike to the waterfalls.
But, Kale was not up for that,
so it got cancelled.
Saturday was another just chill
Sunday was church day, of course.
Nana picked out Ellory's dress:

Ellory is silly sometimes:

And Kale is super handsome!

Here's a picture for the ages:


Nana wanted a picture of our family
with the newest member of our family....
our car!

That night, Nana did 
some bedtime reading.
I just adore this picture of them:

Oh, and after the kids went to
bed that night
we watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
I loved getting to watch that with mom!
She also brought the movies
MacFarland USA and the last 2
Hunger Games movies, which we watched
throughout her stay.

On Monday, her last day,
the kids were still recovering,
so we had another chillish day.
I needed to practice making
mom's homemade rolls
while she was here so she could
show me how to do it better,
so that's what we did.
And Kale helped!

The rolls turned out great.
I'm getting better and better
every time I try.
One day, maybe I'll be as good as mom!

Monday means FHE,
and Kale had been asking
to do something with the Tree of Life,
and he loves acting out
the scripture stories,
so we decided to act it out and 
make props.
He painted his own Tree of Life:

And Ellory watched:

And we got all the other items
ready to go.
It turned out pretty well,
and we had fun acting the story out.
So in Salem by the river they
have a carasoul that they make 
a kind of big deal out of.
I hadn't taken the kids yet,
so I thought it would be fun to do with Nana.
It was cute, but over kind of quickly.

And that was about it.
We took Nana to the airport in the morning.
We were sad to see her go,
but so grateful that she could come at all.
We love you Nana!

At Easter, 
Nana sent Kale and Ellory new
swimming suits.
It was so hot one day
that we put them on and went 
to a friend's house to play in the water:

Ellory's is Little Mermaid
and came with a little cover-up:

Here is the previously mentioned
Elsa nightgown:


The kids and I took another 
park trip.
Kale is so sweet with Ellory
and takes such good care of her 
at the park.

obsessed with the merry-go-round

Look at the shorts I got Ellory.
Could you die?
I could.

Kale had me push him on this 
swing and he pretended to fall asleep:

And then he wanted to push Ellory
in the swing.
They both thought it was hilarious.
They just giggled and giggled.

Ellory needed a snack break:

Kale has this great quality,
he doesn't care how old a person is,
if it's a boy or girl, 
shy or outgoing,
none of it matters.
He will be friends with anyone
and everyone.
And the more willing they are
to obey his every order, the better.
So this kid showed up at the
park, and Kale automatically assumed
that he wanted to play.
And this boy was so nice
and played with Kale,
and let Kale boss him around
for a half hour!

That Kale.
He's one of a kind!

I recently made these little
quote things
for the kids.
I write things they say
and change them almost daily.
It's great.

The other day
Kale and Ellory were
just sitting at the table
coloring and talking to each other,
and it was just so cute,
I had to snap a picture:

And then another day
I was doing dishes and told them
they needed to play until I was done.
Well, when I was done
I peaked around the corner
to find them playing
SO well together
with Kale's legos.
They were completely engrossed 
in what they were doing,
and they weren't just playing next to 
each other,
they were actually playing
together and helping each other
build stuff.
It was the best

And that has been our life 
The weather has been cooler 
since Nana left,
but it got pretty warm today
and is supposed to heat up tomorrow.
We don't really have anything 
coming up in the near future.
Lots of park days
and playdates with friends!
My dad is currently helping
me get ready for a 10K race.
I've really enjoyed it so far,
and I love making improvements 
and being able to tell him about it.
I am excited to see how much
I can improve before the race!