Wednesday, August 2, 2017

A Long, Long Time Ago

Once upon a time, there was a girl
who kept a blog,
and she was relatively diligent at it.
Until one day when she moved to an
apartment that had crappy internet.
And so, it has been 7 months since
anything has been posted.
But that doesn't mean she stopped taking pictures.
No, no, no.
Even though this post,
and the posts soon to come,
were a long time coming,
at least they can be here now!

Back in January there was a big event in our house,
Tyler turned 30 years old!!!!!
I am the WORST at getting him gifts.
Seriously. Just ask him.
But this time, I think I did pretty ok.
I got him tickets to go see
Bill Engval
(a stand-up comedian)
and a one night stay at a hotel right on the coast!
This was our balcony:

And these are the fake tickets I made
so he could have something to open on
his birthday:

It was so much fun.
My amazing friend, Amy, was willing
to watch the kids for us.
Bill Engvall was hilarious.
We hadn't laughed that hard in a long time.
We went to dinner at Kyllo's.
I'm still dreaming about that food.
I had Halibut.
Ya. I had FISH.
And I loved it.
Tyler got the Filet Mignon
and I'm pretty sure he still has dreams about it.
Overall, it was a great trip.

During the break we took the kids bowling.
I think Kale loved it.
Ellory really didn't.

One day Ellory was wanting me to hold
her constantly.
I had to do something,
maybe go to the bathroom,
and she wouldn't let me go.
So, Kale, the amazing big brother that he is,
came over and told her that she could
sit on his lap:

What a guy, that Kale.

More proof that Ellory is adorable:

A lady in our ward came up to us
one day at church and just handed me a 
bag with two quilts in it.
That she had made.
We'd talked to her maybe 3 times.
It was the sweetest thing.
Here are the quilts:

In February we were visited by my parents!
My dad's work had some business
in Portland so my dad happily
volunteered to be the one to go on the trip.
And of course, Nana came too!
The kids wasted no time playing with 
them once they got here.

And Nana always comes bearing gifts:

They played this game.
A lot.

There's a cool place in Salem
that has an indoor playground.
A must during the rainy season.
So we went there with Nana.

I believe Nana is teaching Kale a lesson
on how he needs to share with the other children.

Kale wanted to take a picture:

Kale's preschool was supposed to have
a Christmas program but because
of bad weather it was postponed and
became a Valentine's Program.
And Nana was here to see it!

We went with Nana to The Gilbert House,
another indoor play area.

The Gilbert House also has an outdoor
playground for those rare days
when the sun is shining.

We stopped at Roth's and let the kids
each decorate a giant cupcake
for Valentine's Day

And Nana  took us to Kale's favorite place to eat,
Yeasty Beasty's
(I think that is the WORST name for a pizza place)

Valentine's Day presents:

Tyler gave me a Jewelry Box that is amazing
and an adult coloring book and pencils that
I am completely obsessed with.
Once again, he knocked it out of the park.

Valentine Pajamas!

These are our silly children:

And that brings us to the end of 
More to come soon.
Hopefully before December....