Saturday, November 11, 2017

Thanks Kyle


   Do you remember how you got that nickname? Do you still hate it? In my mind I'm thinking that you got the nickname from Dain when he was a baby and he couldn't say your name so he called you Kogs. I love it. And when I call you Kogs, it is completely out of love. Thank you for not hating me forever for continually bringing up your nickname.

   Thank you for being my little brother! Thank you for being so fun. Thank you for being so CRAZY. Thank you for always being willing to go along with whatever Jake and I wanted to do. Well, for a while at least. Thank you for being brave. Thank you for continuing to try to be funny for years and years and years and YEARS until finally, one day, you were hilarious. Thank you for making me laugh. Thank you for looking out for me. Remember when I rolled the car on the way to church? Thank you for being most concerned if I was OK (and Dain).
     I don't know if you know this, but you have always made me feel like maybe I'm better than I am. It seemed like any time I was feeling like maybe I wasn't as smart as I thought I was, or as athletic, or a good friend, you would come along and say just what I needed. One time, I was struggling with some homework (Geometry) and it was the first time I'd ever really struggled at school. I just could not get it. And I was so angry and feeling sorry for myself and deciding that I wasn't smart enough, blah blah blah, and then you came and asked me for help on your math homework. And it was pretty easy for me and I helped you and then you said, "Thanks Bryn, you are the smartest girl I know," and went on your way. And that changed me. Because I wanted to be the smartest girl you knew, always.
   Because of you, I was always trying to be a good example. I felt like you were always aware of what I was doing, and there were times that I made better choices because of that. Thank you for that. Thank you for being so driven and competitive. It may have driven me crazy during Family Home Evening, but it definitely brought in a new dynamic to our family, and I can see now how much it is benefiting your own little family because you are so determined and driven to do your best at your job. Thank you for not being embarrassed of me when you were with your friends. Thank you for being cool with me hanging with you guys sometimes. Thank you for not hating me even though I wasn't always the best big sister.
   Thank you for being so excited to introduce Heather to me. Thank you for coming out to my brother-in-law's house so that you could. Thank you for tricking her into marrying you, because I love her so much and I'm grateful to have her for a sister. Thank you for being a good man. Thank you for being a good uncle and loving my kids. They love you dearly.
   Thank you for being as obsessed with Stranger Things as I am. Thank you for Skyping with us. Thank you for hanging out with us that year that we lived in Utah the same time as you. Thank you for trying to help me with Ellory when we were at Bear Lake. Thank you for your Monty Python impersonations. 
   Thank you for loving this country and being willing to serve. I was surprised when I found out you were going to do ROTC. I hadn't any idea that you had any desire to be a military man. But I think it's wonderful and amazing. 
   Without you, I may not be the person I am today. I may not have the confidence I have. You know, Tyler is just as competitive as you are, and gets just as emotionally invested, and had I not grown up with someone like that, I may not have understood him and not stayed with him. Obviously that was not going to be the make or break reason, but thank you for that little bit of understanding you gave me.

I love you and I really really miss you and I can't wait for your second little girl to be born and to come visit you in your new house. 

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