Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Holidays Were Oh So Happy


I realize that I have gotten behind in my blog updates, however I would just like to say that I have a very active little boy who demands all of my attention. Right now he is sleeping in his swing so I will try to hurry and get this updated before he wakes up!

Alright so first lets talk about Thanksgiving. It was great! We went to Janie and Mark's house and had lots of delicious food. Also, that night we went Black Friday shopping. Tyler and I had never participated in this Thanksgiving tradition before, so it was fun to knock it off our bucket list. Janie and Mark live across the street from a Wal-mart, so that is where we went. Tyler and Shane waited in line for some desktop computers while Realyn and I waited in line for some TVs. Also, I went and joined in the 10:00 frenzy for discounted Blu-rays. That was nuts! I was standing next tot he pallet that had the movies I wanted on it and there were tons of other people surrounding it as well; and these people looked like they wanted their movies a lot more than I wanted mine, plus they were bigger than me. I decided to use my brain to defeat their muscle. I started up a conversation with them and convinced them that I would help them get their movies if they made sure I got mine. It totally worked! I got Inception, Blind Side, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, and The Karate Kid.

The week after Thanksgiving Tyler went to Hawaii with the football team. Needless to say, I was INSANELY jealous. He said it was awesome. He got to swim with sea turtles, see Pearl Harbor, and enjoy the entertainment of the Polynesian Cultural Center. Kale and I missed him like crazy but we were glad he got to have that experience.

My mom came to town on December 13. It was so fun having her here. She flew in early because my older brother, Jake, graduated from school! He did the ROTC program and so he had his commissioning ceremony to do. It was really cool. We are all so proud of him. And he looked so cool in his uniform. He's in Texas now with his reserve unit. It's weird that he's not here anymore.

Tyler and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on December 18. It was great! The Friday before our anniversary my mom babysat Kale while we went to dinner. We went to this great Chinese place called Shoots. The meal was great, and when our waitress brought us our to-go boxes she told us that our meal had already been paid for by the couple sitting at the table behind us. They were total strangers just doing something nice for some strangers! It was so awesome and it made me feel the true spirit of Christmas. I wish so badly that I could have thanked them, they have no idea what that meant to Tyler and I.

And finally, we had a WONDERFUL Christmas. My dad and younger brother, Dain, drove out here the Wednesday before Christmas. Tyler, Kale and I spent the 23rd and 24th up in Ogden at my Grandma's house with them. It was so fun to be able to spend Christmas with my family. Christmas day was at Tyler's sister's house and then Tyler left for Texas with the football team early Monday morning while Kale and I went back up to Ogden. It was great to be able to spend so much time with my family and especially for Kale to be able to. I was so sad when they left, mostly because I'm unsure when I will see them again. But I'm so glad they were able to come, even if it was for a short time.

Tyler's 25th birthday was on January 3rd and we celebrated by going out to eat at Red Robin with Shane, Realyn and Sadie. It was a great time and I'm currently craving the oreo milkshake I had there. Seriously, I want to go back just for the milkshake, I don't need anything else.

All in all the holidays were a busy and wonderful time. I'm really glad, however, that Tyler has an easy assignment this semester (the track team) so that we can spend more time together. The next few months should be event free other than watching Kale grown and learn to do new things! Speaking of Kale, here are some pictures of him:

He really likes to be just in his diaper.

Gotta love that smile!

Kale and Grandpa loved each other.

Look they match! How adorable. My boys watching sports together.

Cousin Trent came to see Kale!

Kale loves hangin with his Uncle Jake. He's softer than Tyler and me.

Kale and Bentley just chillin together.

He's ALWAYS got his fists in his mouth. At night, I put petroleum jelly on his hands and then cover them with socks so that they won't get chapped and cracked. He looks so adorable at night.

Kale loves sleeping on his Nana.

This was part of a 3 hour nap. He never does that...

I just love my little boy!!