Sunday, June 21, 2015

Ellory's Birthday! And Father's Day

A few weeks ago,
the Provo Library did this thing
where the kids could come
and drop one of their
stuffed animals off for a sleepover.
We would then come and pick
them up the next day any time
between 9 and noon.
So, Kale decide his Tree Frog
would be the one spending the
night and we took Ellory's 
cow to go with him.
When we dropped them off,
the lady asked what Kale's 
animal's name was.
He responded:
"Tree Frog, of course."
When she asked for Ellory's
cow's name he said
that she didn't have a name.
So, we asked him to give her a name....

If you can't tell, that says "Lousy."
I thought the librarian
was going to cry she was 
laughing so hard.
When we picked them up
they had a slideshow going
of pictures they'd taken
of what the animals had
been up to at their sleepover,
so Kale watched that for a bit.

I thought it was a really cute idea!

One Sunday, my family
was looking particularly sharp.
So, pictures were taken for proof.

I mean, who looks better than this?!

One night, Tyler and Kale 
camped in the backyard.

They could not be cuter.

 It has been hot hot hot
'round here so we have 
been keepin it cool,
with water playing and otter pops.

Kale and Tyler went 
on an excursion or two 
with Grandpa this week.


Gotta pick the perfect card.

Holding Grandpa's hand while
crossing the street.
I love it.

And then, before we knew it,
it was Ellory's birthday!!
The morning was pretty chill,
nothing special.
At about 2 we headed to
a park to take a Patterson family picture,
and then it was back to
Doug's house for the "party".
Doug had gotten a slip'n'slide and 
a little kiddie pool that
the boys set up in the back.
And the cousins just went
It was a really hot day so the
water felt great.

Show us your muscles Kale!


 The water was really cold,
so it took some getting
used to for Ellory.

Ridin down the slip'n'slide!

Eventually we all had 
cupcakes and ice cream,
and every one sang happy birthday
to Ellory.
Then, once everyone changed their clothes,
we went in for presents!

She got some really
cute and fun things
from her Aunts and Uncles
and Grandma and Grandpa!
What a spoiled girl!
Thank you everyone!!!!
And that was her 
very first birthday.
Some things about Ellory
at this point in time:
1. She likes to eat.
2. Her favorite things to eat
are Graham Crackers, pancakes, bread, sweet potatoes,
chocolate, ice cream, and smoothies.
3. She says "Mom", "Dad" and "Uh-Oh."
4. I weaned her this week and now she
sleeps 13 hours at night.
5. She is a very good walker
6. She ADORES Kale.
7. She loves her pink blanket with the bird on it.
8. She jabbers incoherently and it's adorable.
9. She growls.
10. If she gets hit in the head with
Kale's little basketball,
she laughs hysterically.
11. She has mastered drinking
from a straw.
12. She's sassy.
13. She knows exactly what she wants. For example,
if she wants a smoothie,
but I'm trying to give her graham
crackers, she will growl
and scream and hit until I figure
out what it is that she wants.
14. She gives kisses by opening
her mouth big and wide
and waiting for you to kiss her.
15. She loves to clap.

And that's about all the good ones
I can think of.
I love Ellory so much!
Her little personality grows
every day.
I can't believe it's already been a whole year!

Today, as everyone knows, 
is Father's Day.
We gave Tyler his present this
morning before church.
Kale made a card for him
and was so excited to give it to him.

This guy is just the best
I'm so lucky that my kids
get to have him 
for their dad!!

This afternoon we headed to 
Shane's house to celebrate
together and eat delicious food (duh).
We had a really great time!
And for a little bit, Ellory
did some cute cuddles
with Uncle Shane:

How cute!

Well, we had a great day today,
and a great week in general.
Tyler is done at BYU,
so he's around all day,
and that has been really nice
for me and the kids.
He's been getting a lot done
as far as packing and de-cluttering goes.
I guess I should probably start
helping with that soon.
We're moving to Oregon
next week,
so.....busy, busy, busy!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

We Live In Our Swimming Suits

Summer has arrived!
I love summer.
I love being able to be
outside with the kids for hours.
I love taking them to 
the splash pad.
I love the cold yummy treats.
I love how wonderful it feels
outside at night.
I love visiting people.
I love grilling hot dogs 
(and apparently I like hamburgs now!)
I love the thunderstorms. 
I just love it ALL!

And we have wasted no time
jumping right into the 
summer traditions.
First, was a visit to my Grandma!
She was scheduled for 
a pretty big surgery on June 1st,
so I took the kids up
for a visit a few days
before so we could see her
and visit before she'd be recovering
for a while.
It was a RAINY day.
I made it up to Ogden half an hour
faster than I thought I would.
And both the kids had fallen
And did I mention it was 
So I drove around Weber State 
campus for a bit,
and then I chilled in my 
grandma's parking lot
until Ellory woke up.

So cute when they're sleeping!
We had a blast at 
Grandma's house.
Ellory was into EVERYTHING.
We had to basically redecorate 
her house to keep her from
breaking anything.
Aethea was working from home
that day so she came over
for lunch and brought 
delicious pizza that we devoured.
Kale and Ellory wore Grandma
out by going up and down her stairs
over and over:

It was a really nice visit.
I'm grateful we were able to go!

Then, the rain stopped, the sun came out,
and we headed for the splashpad!
Now, prepare yourselves.
What you are about to see
is so adorable,
you might cry. Or die.....


At that.
 I put that thing on her
and everyone around us
can't help but comment
on how cute she is.
It's the best.
I have the CUTEST little girl.

And Kale isn't half bad either:

He has so much fun
at the splashpad.
He makes friends quickly
and just lives it up 
every second he gets.
I love his energy!
Ellory had a blast, too!
She'd hold my hand and walk
around grabbing at the water.
It was a great day!

We went to the pool
and brought Addy and Kolby
with us.
Once again,
So. Much. Fun.
Kale and Kolby and Addy 
played together really well,
and Ellory and I just walked around
having a good ol' time.
Ellory probably fell 
completely under the water
about 8 times, and she didn't 
even care.
The girl is awesome!

She was also exhausted
and ended up passing out.

We got Kale a life jacket
to wear at the pool
since I'm a little preoccupied
with Ellory. 
It works great and he loves it.

So, because of the surgery
my grandma was supposed to have
my mom and my aunt 
came out to help her.
She ended up not having the surgery,
so instead my mom and my aunts
got to spend some fun
time with grandma.
One day they came
down to Provo and so did my 
cousin and we took
the kids to the splashpad.
Fun times!!

My mom got me and her
some tasty milkshakes and fries from Sonic
on our way to the splashpad.
And, of course, we shared with Ellory.
Ellory gave Nana some sweet cuddles 
while they ate their ice cream and fries:

The shade was a MUST.

I love walking with Ellory like this:

2nd Cousin love!

Afterwards, Nana came over 
for a bit.
So, of course, Kale got her
to play Chutes and Ladders
with him

This last Friday Tyler
came home and said he wanted
Pita Pit and to take
the kids to Rock Canyon Park
to eat dinner and play.
You don't have to ask me twice!
The Pitas were scrumptious
(we got Kale Wendy's)
and the playing was so fun.
We brought Kale's 
t-ball set and played some ball.

I could watch them play
all day every day.

At one point they took off
and Kale was screaming,
"I have to go poopy!"
so I snapped a pic:

Tyler put Ellory on his shoulders
and played some more ball.
Ellory was giggling up a storm.
It was so adorable!

We realized we were in the same
spot we had been
a few years earlier
when we took Kale to this park
before we moved to Washington,
and we took a picture then of 
Tyler throwing Kale in the air.

Nana and Grandma came 
back down to Provo
for her last day here.
What a treat!
This time, Candyland was the game
to play.

Then, they wanted her
to push them in circles 
on the chair:

Nana brought presents for Ellory's
birthday, and we thought
it was best to open them
while she was here
rather than on Ellory's birthday.
Also, Kyle and Heather
came over!

Kale was a cute big brother
and helped Ellory 
open her presents.
Ellory just wanted to play
with the ribbon anyway :)

Nana got her so many cute things!
Adorable pajamas.
White Onesies.
A couple dresses.
Some hair stuff.
Some shoes.
Sippy Cups.
Some CRAZY cute hats 
(that she won't leave on her head!)
A book.
A ball.
A Xylophone.
A stuffed elephant (who Kale loves).
Thank you Nana!

It was so nice out,
and Kale was bouncing off the walls,
so Grandma suggested we
go outside for a bit.
She's such a good sport
and walked with Kale
a ways even though
her leg was bothering her. 
 She's so awesome!

Nana took over from Grandma
once we got out there:

Tyler tossed Ellory around:

And then Kale wanted a turn!

And Ellory thought that was great:

Kale and Ellory held 
And the whole world just stopped.

And then the 3 people
I adore the most 
held hands and walked along,
and my heart was full:

I had to get a picture
of our 4 generations of girls:

Kale was offended that 
he wasn't in the previous picture.
So, we told him he could
do a picture and 
he could pick whoever
he wanted to be in it.
He picked Nana:

Oh, and I can't forget to mention,
since we were celebrating her birthday,
there needed to be a birthday dessert,
So, I made my mom's/grandma's
amazing chocolate cake.
For the first time in my life.
And it was....

That cake brings back memories.
Ellory loved it too :)

Mom's flight was super
early in the morning,
so she and Grandma
slept on my couch
until 3:30 and then 
I'm so glad we got to spend
time with them.

Now, we gotta get ready to move.