Friday, November 17, 2017

Thanks Erin

Erin Moore!

  Orange porta-potties, huh? Did you know you helped me pick my major? I was frustrated that BYU was dropping their Bachelor's program for Social Work and I was thinking I would do a Psychology major but it wasn't sitting right with me. And then I met you, and you told me all about your Sociology class and how much you loved it and so I decided to take the Intro class that very next semester. And I felt really good about it. I wouldn't say I'm as passionate about it as you are, but I enjoyed the way it challenged the way I view people and the world. Thank you for introducing me to Sociology and for being so passionate about it. Thank you for helping me all those times with my assignments. One time, I had to write a paper, and I had sort of an idea but I was having trouble developing it into something really good. And so, you stopped doing YOUR homework, you erased our apartment whiteboard, and you helped talk me through it. You didn't just give me an answer and send me on my way. You put in the time and effort to help me figure it out for myself. Thank you for that night and the many other nights.
  Thank you for welcoming me into your apartment and group of friends. Thank you for letting me crash on your couch and use your shower. Thank you for sending me care packages over the summer. Thank you for always reading my blog and texting me about it afterwards. Thank you for continuing to call me "Bryan Gerbals". Thank you for teasing me when I was dating Tyler and making me so embarrassed I'd cover my face with anything available. Thank you for driving me a boatload of places. Thank you for being a Y Group Leader with me. Thank you for asking me to do all the other cool volunteer things around campus. Thank you for always being down for some silliness, whether it be a good old fashioned game of Truth or Dare, or pranking our poor sleeping roommates.
  I appreciate your friendship and I'm grateful for all you have done for me and helped me with. Thank you for thinking of me when my Grandma died. That meant all the world to me. Thank you for having such a burning desire to love everyone and help everyone and to do your part to make the world a better place.

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