Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Kale says the Darndest Things!

I've been meaning to do this
for a while now.
I want to write down all the
funny things Kale says right now.

1. Packack (Backpack)
2. Are you kidding me?!
3. Are you serious?!
4. I like your shirt!/ears!/clothes!
5. Get out of here
6. I want to dance and move!
7. Bruit Snacks (Fruit snacks)
8. Dad, I want me. (and then dad says, You want me? 
Ah, clever boy)
9. What's that noise? I'll check.
10. Big stick.
11. When skyping with Uncle Dain and Kyle
he tickles the screen and they
wiggle around an then drop
out of the screen. 
Then, Kale puts his hands up to
his mouth and yells,
Uncle Dain! Where is he?
Uncle Kyle! I want you!
Over. And over. And over.
12. Oh thank you!
13. Scuse you (excuse you)
14. He takes a picture of us using
one of our old phones and then says,
One more time.
15. I want to walk around!
16. Pick a movie.
17. When he sees a little girl 
he always says, Hey girl.
But the other day we were outside 
and one of the neighbor 
girls walked by and,
I kid you not,
he leaned on the water spicket
and said,
Hey girl. 
18. Whenever we leave somewhere,
he says goodbye to EVERYTHING.
Goodbye tree.
Goodbye kids.
Goodbye church.
Goodbye car.
Goodbye park.
Goodbye clothes (at bedtime).
Goodbye water.
19. When dad comes home Kale says,
Hi dad. What's your name? 
What he means to say is How are you.
So cute.
20. He sings songs and it is the 
funniest/cutest thing ever.
My favorite right now is the 
monkeys teasing Mr. Alligator song.

There are probably more I'm forgetting about,
and I'm sure there will be 
new ones every day.
I love this little boy so much!!!!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Photo Bomb

So when I went through the 
box of clothes Aunt Laura
gave us we found this 
And Kale loved it.

My friend Kristen Wyatt
came over and
brought her son Bauston.
Silly boys.

I don't remember what they
picked to watch.

Otter pop time!!!

So, Grandma Pam came up
and stayed with us for 2 weeks
and it was sooooo much fun!
We took a TON of pics
and I apologize it's taken me 
so long to upload them.
You should all be used to this by now.

Anywho, when we went
to pick her up from the airport,
we decided we should do something
fun in Seattle while we
were over there.
So, we went to......
THE ZOO!!!!!!!!

First up were the penguins:

We took pictures of all
the animals.
Seriously, all of them.
But I figure no one really
wants to see those pictures.
So the next picture of Kale was...

I love that picture. 
My boys :)

Monkey Kisses

Grandma was trying to 
get Kale to yell,

Kale started "helping" me push the 
stroller around.

Kale LOVED the elephants.
He just pointed and yelled
elephants over and over.
It was adorable.

Quick story.
This happened a while ago.
I haven't shared because 
I needed time to
be able to laugh at it.
Okay so our couch is situated
right underneath our window sill.
Kale enjoys sitting in the window sill.
One night, we were sitting around
watching the Dick Van Dyke Show,
not really paying attention 
to Kale,
and he was playing up in the window.
And all of a sudden,
we hear a crash sound,
look up,
and both the window screen and Kale
are gone!
We run outside and pick him up.
All the neighbor kids were 
outside and saw it happen
so they came a runnin.
So, while I'm picking up screaming 
Kale, they're standing in a semi-circle around us
asking what happened,
and I'm all, "leave me alone
you crazy kids, I'M A GOOD MOM!!"
Okay, I didn't say that
but I was thinking it.
Anyway, Kale was fine, but when you see
the long rectangular 
scab on his head in the pictures
now you'll know;
it's from when he 

Ok, back to the Zoo.
More elephants.
Kale was sad because he had just tripped and scraped
his knee.
I promise I'm a decent mom...

The giant bear was pretty sweet.

Mama Kisses!!!

Tyler says I look like
such a mom in this
I'm not sure how to interpret that...

The kid was pretty tuckered out.

Say hello to Mt. Raineir

Park time with Grandma Pam!

Kale: "MOM, Get that camera out of my face!" 
(in Nacho Libre voice)

There's a little lake/pond in 
town we like to take
Kale to.
He just likes to stand at the shore
and throw rocks.

He sort of slipped and
went under the water.
Scared him a bit so
he sat out eating fruit snacks until
he felt better.

Back to rock throwing.

We took advantage
of Pam being in town.
Tyler and I took a night
away at a sweet little BnB.
The place was GORGEOUS.

This was our breakfast
brought to our door.

And we had our own little
private outdoor table.

Our room was called 
Secret Garden.

Look at this giant, amazing, wonderful,
most relaxing, dream tub!

There were vineyards everywhere
out by our BnB so we stopped to 
take a pic.

While Pam was here
I went to Girls Camp.
I helped with the overnight hike
so I had to take an appropriate 
Kale loved it.

Here are some pictures from
the hike.

This is Rachel Smith and 
our Stake President Bruce Grow.

And one of his counsellors,
President Smart.
He is WAY into hiking.
(notice the walking stick things.)

Side note,
Rachel is 4 months prego here.
What a stud.

The water was FREEZING.
But it felt so good on my feet.

President Smart brought stuff to fish.
Love it.

Hey D.J.! 
Turn it up!
Make sure you don't
Burn it up!

I painted Kale's toenails.
Teaching him his colors :)

Tyler took our old hoodies from 
high school and sewed them
into a blanket.
People teased him for sewing,
but it was/is really cool!

Back to the lake.
Sweet action shots.

Pam's birthday came
around while she was here.
So we took her to dinner
and she got a birthday treat.
And I'm pretty sure Kale ate most of it...

We went to our ward
camp out up at 
Ensign Ranch.
They have this awesome waterslide
that we went on.
You have to have water shoes and we 
didn't think Tyler was going
to be there in time for it
so he didn't get to join us :(

And...video games!!!!
Madden to be more precise.

Oh wow.
That was a lot.
Maybe I'll stay caught up,
but probably not.
Until the next photo bomb