Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A Trip To the Aquarium

A while back,
the boys got a bit silly:


 I adore the backpacks
we got Kale and Ellory for Christmas.
We use them all the time!

Kale got a Hawkeye outfit from 
Nana and Grandpa for Christmas.
He looks pretty snchazzy in it:

Ellory looked really adorable 
in her new church dress one time:

And in this one another time....

Way way back in December,
when Tyler was still on 
break from work,
we decided to take a trip
to the Aquarium in Newport
and to spend the night.
And it was a blast!
The aquarium was small 
but really well done.
The first exhibit we looked at
was about sunken ships.

 There was a cool game to play
where you could try and 
uncover objects in the sand.
Kale loved it!

And there was a paper with 
activities to do
and little stamps to put on the 
paper once you had done them.
Kale was in heaven.

And there was a little
tunnel Ellory could play in.


Then it was off to see all the sea creatures:


Ellory took a breather.

There were some great outdoor
animal areas.
There was an aviary full of birds,
but they were all in there winter
feathers and not exactly pretty.

There were also sea lions and otters.

 There were two vultures out there, too.
It's hard to see them in the picture,
but I thought they were cool.
And creepy.

Kale and I tried a hurricane simulator,
but I don't think it simulated it
all that well.
It made Kale nervous though: 

My favorite part was the shark tunnels!

You could even see them through
the floor.
We were surrounded!

At the end of the shark tunnels
was a fun helmet
to take pictures in:

And a shark mouth.

And we kept up our tradition
of getting stuffed animals
from the gift shop.
Kale chose the octopus:

And Ellory got a shark.

After the aquarium we 
grabbed lunch at Arctic Circle
and then headed to La Quinta Inn!
This was the bridge we crossed 
to get there:


We took the kids swimming
in the pool
and then they cuddled up and 
watched a show:

In the morning it wasn't raining
so we HAD to go see the ocean.

Even though it wasn't raining,
it was COLD and WINDY.
But we enjoyed it anyway.
Ellory tried to run into the ocean.
 I stopped her, but not before
I took a picture.

Kale was a bit moody,
he was ready to go home.

The sun was really bright.


We had told Kale the night before
that we would go to a lighthouse
in the morning.
And also, I really wanted to go see one,
so we did!
It was beautiful. 
Kale was not so pleased.

And it was crazy windy

There was a whale-watching spot
at the lighthouse,
and the people working there helped
us spot 3 whales!
We really just saw them blowing
water up sky-high,
but it was still really cool!


Tyler got binoculars for Christmas and
had thought to bring them
with us,
and he saw one of the whales come 
up out of the water.
We'll definitely go back when it's warmer!


I really really like the Oregon Coast.

 I tried to be cute.
Look how excited he is
that his wife is kissing him....

And then we went home.
Kale was more than ready.

Tyler had a birthday!
I am lame and really didn't 
do much for him.
A couple presents
and made him whatever dinner he 
I'm so glad he was born!
OH, and we built a blanket fort...

Tyler and I got ourselves a new
bed frame that we love,
and Kale and Ellory loved the box
it came in:

Tyler has begun traveling
with the track team.
Recently they went to a meet
up in Portland.
A lot of Pro's were there.
One of these times I'll 
go to a meet!

He said the track was pretty awesome.
And he brought back proof.
Nike usually delivers on this kind of stuff.


Today we got a Valentine's Day package
from Nana and Grandpa Gerber.
The kids and I were thrilled!
They continue to spoil us rotten.
Kale is currently grounded
from all electronics (again),
so he decided to make
the box into a spaceship,
which I fully supported.

Ellory received giant Frozen coloring
pictures and washable crayons.
It's like Nana was reading my mind!

Ok, I think that's everything.
If not, it doesn't matter
because this has taken forever
and I need to finish my episode
of Downton Abbey.