Friday, January 30, 2015

So Christmas Was Forever Ago

So remember that one 
time when Christmas happened?
Ya, me too.
Let's reminisce, shall we?

This year, Kale wrote a letter
to Santa for the first time:

It reads:
Dear Santa,
Can I please have Thomas the train tracks
for Christmas?
And pajamas for Ellory?
And some BYU?
How cute is that?

My nephew Kolby had a
birthday in December
and we went to his birthday party!
It was a blast.
Tyler missed out,
he was traveling for work.
Addy was, like, totes excited 
to be there...

We were at a sweet 
place with a bunch of 
bounce houses and jungley gyms
and arcade games
and a roller skating rink!
Every kids dream, basically.


Addy got to get in this
box and tried to grab
as many little pieces of paper as 
she could. 
We were all the best cheerers ever.

Ellory hung out with
Grandma almost the whole
I think Grandma kinda liked that
a little.

Kale absolutely ADORES Josh.

And he's going to be an 
astronaut someday.

Or a race car driver.

I'm nervous for the day when
we start teaching him to drive...

These kids are just 
so darn.....sassy!

Kolby and Addy
came over to play one night
and they helped me 
make some cake wads,
which was lots of fun!

Grandma had her annual
Kids Christmas Party!
These cousins have so much fun

On Christmas Eve we went to
Grandpa's house for 
dinner and opened up
Christmas Eve Pajama presents!

After we put on our P.J.'s
we went to the 
Festival of Lights in 
Spanish Fork.
It was a lot of fun!
So many lights,
so much Christmasy fun!

And then it was time for Christmas morning!!
Kale was so cute
when he saw the present
Santa had brought for
him and Ellory.
Ellory was still asleep
so we let Kale open 
his Santa present and then
he had to wait
until Ellory woke up
to open the rest.

He got Thomas the Train Tracks!
He was thrilled.
He kept saying,
"Santa got my letter!"

Oh, also, the first snow
of winter happened in 
the middle of the night,
so we woke up to a 
White Christmas!
That was just so cool.

Ellory really didn't care
about what was going on.
Like, at all.

But Santa brought her a great
Christmas present too!

And let the rest of the 
present opening commence!

I decided not to post a million
pictures of us opening presents.
It was great, trust me.
Then, it was time to PLAY with 
our new toys:

Around noonish we got to
video chat with 
Elder Gerber (Dain)!
As well as my parents,
and Kyle and Heather.
There were a few technical 
difficulties, but we got
to see him and chat with him
and that was awesome!!
Then, Christmas afternoon
we went to Laura's house
and met up with the whole
Patterson clan for
some AMAZING dinner.
That. Ham.
I'm still dreaming about it.

So that was Christmas.

One present Kale got
was a little Nerf gun.
This thing may be little
but it's POWERFUL.
It hurts something fierce.
So I had to give Kale a target other 
than myself:

He loves that game.

Look how cute Ellory is!

Ellory has started eating 
real baby food!

And Kale loves donuts:

The other day it was almost
60 degrees.
So, we went to the park,

Kale! Ellory!
Look up!

There we go.
And of course, Kale made a friend:

Last weekend we went
to my Grandma's house
for dinner up in Ogden.
The kids were playing
and having so much fun
in her basement.
They found her old school
clock radio and figured out
how to turn the music on.
They tuned it to a spanish station
and were dancing
like the adorable little ones they are,
and my grandma joined them:

I love Grandma dinners!

Kale has a great imagination
and is pretty good at 
entertaining himself:

And, Ellory is the
CUTEST little girl

No Contest.