Monday, November 13, 2017

Thanks Brittany

 Brittany Crumback!!!!!
   I have so much to thank you for, I hardly know where to begin. How about, thank you for saving me? I know I sometime have a tendency for exaggeration, but I promise you I am not exaggerating here. If not for you, my freshman year at BYU would have gone MUCH differently. If not for you, I'm honestly not sure if I ever would have gone back. So thank you for befriending me immediately. Thank you for not just being nice to me because my big brother had invited me to tag along and so I happened to be in the room, but because you are a genuinely good person. And then thank you for going out of your way to invite me to do things with you all. Thank you for letting me crash on your couch almost every night. Thank you for introducing me to Mariko, who got me my amazing on campus job. Thank you for wanting me to be your real roommate for sophomore year. Thank you for making church and the gospel a priority in our apartment. Watching General Conference, going to FHE and all 3 hours of church, were not optional, they were important. You helped me become someone who lived the gospel rather than just tagging along in it. Thank you for cooking me so many dinners. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE BRITT-COOKS!!!! Thank you for the birthday parties. Thank you for all the all-nighters. Thank you for the endless laughter. Thank you for always knowing everything about everything. That might sound snarky, but it's not. I really think that you always know everything about what's going on!
  Thank you for being the best room-roommate ever. There was literally nothing about being your roommate that I didn't like. No little quirks. No snoring. Nothing. Thank you for constantly washing the dishes and taking out the garbage. Thank you for almost always being the one to clean the bathroom.
   Thank you for being the most thoughtful person I have ever met. Thank you for being good at inviting people around us to come and join. Thank you for looking out for Jake, too. And for signing up for all his classes for him (eye roll). Thank you for reminding me of ways we can be of service to those around us.
   Thank you for taking me to urgent care when I slice my finger open on that stupid can. Thank you for teasing me about it forever. Thank you for being excited for me when I started dating Tyler. Thank you for not telling me I was being an idiot all the times we broke up and then got back together. Thank you for inviting me to come with your family to Midway. Thank you for being jazzed for me when we got engaged and for telling Tyler my ring size and probably many other things in secret. Thank you for going wedding dress shopping with me. Thank you for throwing me a bridal shower. I loved the video you did! Thank you for coming to BOTH of my receptions. Thank you for hanging out with me after I got married. Thank you for bringing me twice baked potatoes when I had morning sickness and I had told you that was the only thing that I could eat.
  Thank you for loving my kids like they are your very own family. Thank you for the many adorable gifts you have given them, both in person and via mail. Thank you for the Nike shoes you gave Kale. He's still upset that he outgrew them. Thank you for having a bag of little presents for them in your car all the time so any time you came over you had something for them. Thank you for that one night when we ate dinner at the food trucks and went to the BYU volleyball game. Thank you for sending me flowers after my Grandma died. Thank you for sending me the first 2 seasons of Gilmore Girls after Ellory was born. Thank you for always being so very aware of everything going on in my life even though I am not the same to you. Thank you for being the most amazing friend to me even though I fail to you. Thank you for continuing to give me a chance to be your friend.
   Without you, I can confidently say, my life would be COMPLETELY different. I would be different. I love you with all my heart and I think you are one of the very greatest people on this Earth. Thank you for all these things and so much more, Brittany.

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