Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Winds of Change Are Approaching

Well, February is almost over and I can barely believe it. Where did the past few months go?? Nothing major has happened to make time go by any faster, but it feels like it is. A lot of things will be happening soon, but right now we are in limbo. We're waiting to see if any schools offer Tyler a Graduate Assistantship; we might be going to Philadelphia for the summer to do security systems (which would be so awesome); or we might stay here for the summer. We might go to school in Washington, or Iowa, or Utah....or maybe we'll just sell all our stuff and take Kale on a trip around the world! Can you tell I really don't like this waiting game?

Anyway, I swear Kale is growing ever single day. At his 4 month appointment he was 16 pounds 1 ounce and he was 26 1/2 inches long. He's really tall; like, in the 90th percentile tall. I look at other babies at church and he is bigger than 6 month olds. I swear he is the product of Tyler and I, somehow.

He's become a real mover. If he's on the ground or in his crib, he doesn't stay in that same spot for very long. He gets really talkative as well. He has 3 different ways to talk: he yells, he coos, and I don't really know how to describe the third way, but they're all adorable.

He doesn't like to take a bath in his little baby bath, but if I get in the bath with him and hold him he kicks and kicks and splashes and yells and plays with his rubber duckies. It is the most adorable thing!

He puts everything in his mouth and he is getting really good at grabbing things and switching what he's holding from hand to hand.

I just love this outfit!

He didn't think this was as fun as I did.

He loves to stand up so that he can see everything.

We went for a little walk together :)

Look at my handsome Valentine! His Grandpa Patterson came by to give him this cute dog for Valentine's Day. Tyler named him Rockford; I don't know how he came up with that, but we like it.

It was my mom's birthday recently and this was how we said Happy Birthday to her. It sucks that she is so far away, but I'm so glad we have amazing technology that makes the distance not seem so bad!