Thursday, November 9, 2017

Thanks Ellory

Little Ellory,

   My life has been forever changed since you came into it. Thank you for being a part of our family. Thank you for teaching me patience and understanding. Thank you for teaching me that not everyone is the same. Thank you for teaching me that we can show love in many ways. Thank you for loving me more than anyone else on the planet. Thank you for thinking that only I can make you feel better or solve any of your problems. Thank you for being so strong. Thank you for loving your big brother with all your heart. Thank you for loving your daddy with all your heart, even though you are sometimes pretty rude to him. Thank you for reading books with me. Thank you for playing picnic with me. Thank you for going on actual picnics with me. Thank you for kinda teaching yourself how to go potty on the toilet! Thank you for going to the library with me. Thank you for all the times you ask me if I'm ok. Thank you for asking me if we can go to Target. Thank you for being patient with me when I do your hair. Thank you for wanting to take selfies on Snapchat with me all the time.
  Thank you for being silly. Thank you for your awesome dance moves. Thank you for your smile and your laugh. Thank you for telling me stories. Thank you for all the silly things you say. Thank you for playing with me. Thank you for missing Kale when he goes to school. Thank you for missing Dad when he goes to work. Thank you for being so good when we moved. Thank you for making my life so much better by having you in it!

I love you sooooooooooooo much baby girl!

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