Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Pumpkin Patches and Super Heroes

Okay, here we go everyone.
Deep breaths.

Let's start with a little something
I did with Kale that didn't turn out
as great as pinterest 
would have you believe.
I made colorful ice cubes:

And put them in the bath with Kale:

In about 30 seconds they were melted and the 
water looked disgusting:

So we drained the water
and I promised we never do that again.
You're welcome, future Kale, for
all the bath pictures published
on the internet ;)

October was such a fun month for us!
Kale LOVES pumpkins and 
pumpkin patches, so we 
took him to a couple.
The first one had pony rides:

And of course, a pumpkin patch:

As well as a corn maze!
That was my favorite part.

These little scarecrows were
everywhere in the corn maze.
Every time we came across one Kale 
would stop and point and say,
"Mamma, whats that?"

We solved the maze!!!
(This is Kale's thumbs up)

My friend Kim stopped by
and gave Kale their old
giant legos which was 
so amazing of her because Kale loves them so much!

 The other pumpkin patch was less 
of a patch and more a place
to get pumpkins and spend money....
but it was great!

There was a cute little kids
play area that Kale 
had fun with:

This thing was awesome.
They attached multiple slides
to this pyramid of hay.
So clever.

It was a really sunny day!

This little hay maze was really
neat too!
Kale started to do it but then
just wanted to climb on top 
of it instead.

Kale got a poopy bumb,
it's always fun to change those in the 
back seat of a car.
Good job Ty!

They also had this cute rubber ducky
race thing that was super fun.

Then we got our pumpkins and
headed home,
to watch the BYU game.

 Kale and I built a fort.
And by Kale and I, 
I mean,
I built a fort.

We watched Toy story in there:

And played with the 
bead light thing.

And one day we spent a good part of the day 
walking around town
collecting pretty leaves.
Then, we glued them to cardboard
cutouts of the letters K and P:

Let's talk about Halloween.
Kale got to do some
trunk-or-treating as well as 
actual trick-or-treating this year!
He loved getting candy.

Batman and Robin!!!!!!

While trunk-or-treating
Kale had no problem
grabbing a whole
handful of candy!
But he always said thank you :)

 Time for trick-or-treating!
Little bit excited...

We went with Bauston and Kristen
and Kristen's mom Tally.
It was a blast!
Kale was still getting over being sick
and his cough started getting 
bad so was had to call it a night.

And now, as if he couldn't be any more
adorable, I show you, he can.

Told ya.
And that brings us to the end of 
our pictures.
November should be more chill.
Next week is my last week 
of school (hooray!)
and only 5 weeks till we 
leave for Utah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not excited at all.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Silly Times Are My Favorite

Let's jump right into it.
Kale had a little "Birthday Party"
with some of his buddies.
His friends brought him presents,
they played outside for a bit,
and then we had yummy cupcakes.
They sang happy birthday to him
and he blew out his candles,
so cute!

These are the cupcakes I made. 
The one on the left obviously is Orange,
the one on the right was Cookies n' Cream.
There is a whole double-stuf oreo
baked in the middle of the cupcake!!!!!
Needless to say, the cookie
ones were a hit.
Kale had way more than
was probably necessary,
but it's his birthday :)

A few days ago I saw this thing
on pinterest that suggests making 
paint with lotion and food coloring.
Sounded great to me so I decided to make 
some for Kale.
Of course, I documented the whole

He was so excited!

After this point things got pretty
messy so I had to wait and
just take a picture at the very end.
And boy is it a great picture!

These were the pictures he painted:

He HATES the shower,
but that was the best way to get him clean.
He cried the whole time
and begged me to be all done.
Poor guy. 
But we got him all clean:

His birthday present from Tyler and I
finally came.
Kale and I had some silly fun with it.

 Future John Stockton? Only
Time will tell :)

Then, when Tyler was about 
to come home from school,
we left him this note
taped to the door along
with a bag of baller 
I know, I know, I'm super funny ;)

I love my boys!!!
It was like the Harlem Globetrotters
in our living/dining room.

After Kale's nap we took
the basketball hoop
outside for him to play with.

He got bored of it for a bit
and started playing with
grass and leaves instead...

Kale's buddy Miles came
to play.
He's 3 and a little taller than Kale,
so shooting it was easier for him.
But he was so cute and kept showing Kale
how to do it until Kale eventually made
a basket.
Every time Kale made a basket,
Miles would shout Hooray!
and then ask for a high five.

Today Kale and I did
another fun activity found 
on Pinterest.
I took one of my shallow storage bins, 
lined it with aluminum foil,
and put a string of Christmas 
lights inside.
Put the lid on,
make the room dark,
and turn it on!
Then, we put a bunch of beads on
top for him to play with.
He loved it!
This is how I made his room nice and dark:

And then we just played!

Fun fun times.
I love being a mom!