Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Thanks Marlee


  Like a G6, like a G6.....IT'S A LOVE STORY BABY JUST SAY YES!!. Oh the good times we had singing songs in the Control Room at the top of our lungs. We were, by far, the coolest security guards to ever work at the BYU Museum of Art. No contest. Can you imagine if we'd never become friends? I can't. There is so much I would have missed out on. So much I wouldn't have learned. Thank you for all the great times! Thank you for coming to walk around my galleries with me when you were on break. Thank you for "prank calling" me from the Control Room.
  Thank you for that summer when we were inseparable. Thank you for going to people's receptions with me and laughing at how awkward we were. Thank you for all the sleepovers. Thank you for helping me fine tone my snarkiness.Thank you for all our discussions about church. Thank you for spending your birthday with me that one time. Thank you for always being on my side when I was mad at Tyler and then always being on my side when I thought he was the best thing ever, too. Thank you for always being so articulate. You have an amazing ability to put things into words in the exact way that I want to but am never able to. Like this thank you, I'm sure you could put our friendship into much better words. So, just suffer with me a little longer.
  Thank you for getting together with me when you could after we got married and had kids. Thank you for calling me before you moved to Japan to tell me that was happening. Thank you for inviting me to meet your beautiful family. Thank you for not being afraid to admit your mistakes and move on from them. You taught me that I don't have to hide from my past mistakes, that I can admit them and learn from them. Thank you for showing me how to laugh at myself. Thank you for that one time when we tried to be people who went to the the gym. Ha! Our abs looked amazing because we spent the whole time laughing. Thank you for enjoying guilty pleasure's with me like Vampire Diaries.
  Marlee, you are amazing. You astound me as a mother and friend. You are kind and thoughtful and slow to anger, but you are firm in your beliefs and are more than willing to stand up for what is right. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for making my job my favorite part of college. Thank you for making that summer a little less miserable. Thank you for helping me to see that my identity did not begin and end with who my future husband would be, but also to not discount how my identity would change once I was married. I am so very grateful to count you as a friend and to know you and to continually learn from you as I look at your pictures and read your blog. Thank you, thank you. I don't think I can say it enough. I don't think you can understand how much you have meant to me and how often I still think about you and remember you. I hope this ill-worded letter has given you an idea of how I feel, though. I love you, Marlee!

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