Friday, November 17, 2017

Thanks Jim and Kris

Jim and Kris,

   Thank you, thank you, thank you for soooooo much. When I wasn't at school or my own home, the vast majority of the time I was in YOUR home. Thank you for welcoming me into your home and allowing me to be best friends with your daughter. Thank you for making me feel a part of your family. Brittney is my best friend, but you are both more like parents to me rather than the simply the parents of my friend. Thank you for talking to me and being interested in my life. Thank you for all the times you fed me dinner or breakfast or lunch or anything. Thank you for letting me sleepover at your house. Kris, thank you for all the times you put those stupid rollers in my hair. Thank you for cheering for me as well as your daughters when we were at sporting events or music competitions. Thank you for telling me you loved me. Honestly, the first time you said that to me, I was kinda like, "whaaaaa?" but when I really thought about it, I felt silly for thinking it was weird. And of course, I love you, too!
  Jim, thank you for being so fun-loving and for ALWAYS SCARING THE CRAP OUT OF ME. I'm still not certain that the whole Cleopatra freezer story isn't real....Thank you for being a kind man who loves his wife and family above all else. I had a great example of what a good father and husband looked like in my family, but it never hurts for a girl to see more than one example. 
   Thank you for letting me be a part of you lives and family and for all your support since I've been away. Thank you for the wedding gift. Thank you for coming to my reception. Thank you for being so excited for me when I started having babies. Thank you for continually reaching out to me and showing me you still care. Because of you and your home, I had more than one place to go to feel safe and loved.  I'm sure I've never made it clear to you how much you mean to me, and how grateful I am for all you did for me in high school and since. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

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