Thursday, November 9, 2017

Thanks Kale

My dear little Kale,

     I love love love love you and I am so grateful that we were blessed to have you in our family. Thank you for being so happy. Thank you for being a helper. I love how much you always want to help. Just the other day, Ellory had a potty accident and you came running downstairs and asked me if there was anything you could do to help. What 6-year-old does that?! Kale Grant Patterson does. Thank you for being my buddy. Those first few years of your life when it was just the two of us were just the best. You were always willing to play games with me and to try new activities with me. Thank you for going to the park with me. Thank you for all the picnics. Thanks for the living room campouts. Thanks for making cookies with me. Thanks for flying kites with me. Thanks for playing at the beach with me. Thanks for building blanket forts with me. Thank you for playing bubbles and chalk. Thank you for loving the pool as much as I do. Thank you for cuddling with me. Thank you for always wanting to give me kisses and hugs and ugga-muggas. Thank you for being as sad/happy about your first day of Kindergarten as I was. Thank you for wanting to tell me everything and show me everything. Thank you for being the BEST big brother. You are so kind to your little sister and willing to do what she wants. Thank you for never hitting her or pushing her and for always looking out for her. Thank you for trying to make her happy when she's crying or throwing a tantrum. Thank you for all the times when I needed to put her down for a nap and you went and read books by yourself until I was done. Thank you for liking Star Wars with me, and Harry Potter.
    Thank you for your love for church and Jesus Christ. You teach me more about Him and life than I ever think I could without being a mom. Thank you for wanting to go to church and say prayers. Thank you for your beautiful prayers. Thank you for caring for others. Thank you for loving your friends. Thank you for loving your Aunts and Uncles and Grandparents and cousins with all your heart. Thank you for being so good and nice every time that we have moved. Can you believe we have moved every single year of your life?? You are a champion.
  Sometimes I wish you could stay little forever, but I also love watching you grow and learn to do knew things. Thank you for filling my life with laughter and love!

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