Friday, November 11, 2011

He's Growing and Changing All the Time

I can't believe how fast time is going by. I would have thought that staying home with Kale all day might make for some really long days, but most of the time I can't believe how fast the days go by. It feels like I get one thing done and next thing I know it's dark outside and Tyler is coming home! Needless to say, Kale consumes all of my attention and I love it. He's so adorable and I am taking advantage of cuddling with him as much as possible now since there will come a time when he will be embarrassed to cuddle with me. *Sigh*

Anywho, here are some more pictures of him :)

These are the p.j.'s Nana Gerber sent to us for Halloween. They are so soft and comfy!

Tyler's grandparents sent Kale these shoes and we think they are the cutest thing ever.

Kale really likes his bouncer, and because he likes it so much, mommy LOVES the bouncer.

I love all the silly faces he makes.

Getting in some good cuddle time :)

His little beanie fits him so well now! He wasn't too happy with me for putting him in his car seat at the time, but once we started driving he was a very happy little boy. He loves the car rides. A couple of nights ago he was being really fussy for just hours upon hours, so I finally just loaded him up into the car. 5 minutes into the ride he was out like a lamp.

Kale sleeps best in our bed...little stinker.

Yesterday Kale was just so much fun, just laying in the boppy talking to himself and playing. Obviously I had to take pictures.

He is so cute when he stretches!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Kale's First Halloween

Yesterday was a fun Halloween with Kale. I hung out with him all day and then when Tyler got home we went to Payson. His little pumpkin costume was the cutest thing ever! We got some good pictures of him and had just a really good time.

Kale makes the silliest faces!!