Friday, April 25, 2014

Happy Birthday Grandpa Gerber!

Happy Birthday to 
one of the 
goofiest Grandpas

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!
Here are some pictures.

So, my parents and my
mother-in-law love to
spoil me,
and they love to spoil
their grandchildren
even more.
It's awesome.
Therefore, this past week
we have received 
many packages.
Some are things we needed
for Baby Girl,
and some were presents for
Kale has loved all his 
but he might love the boxes
the most....

We turned one of the boxes
into a space ship.

I know, it's amazing how
much it looks like
a space ship.
What can I say, I have a gift.

The day before Easter some
friends came over and 
we dyed eggs.
This was the first time in my life
that I've boiled eggs.
I was too embarrassed
to ask my mom.
Thank goodness for Pinterest.
Everything turned out great.
Thank you Nana Gerber for the
awesome No-Spill egg dying kit!

Today, we went to our friend's,
the Wyatts,
to have a little Easter egg hunt.
I brought 13 eggs to hide.
Tally made like.....76.
Plus they put their dyed eggs 
out there.
And ours, because we gave them ours
since we weren't going to eat them.
The Wyatts are crazy about
their develed-eggs.

Eventually Kale's basket got 
so heavy that Tyler
had to follow him around with it.
That's probably because
Tally put change in
her eggs.
I love the Wyatts.

 Look at that haul!

Kale was really excited
about the dollar.
And then he remembered
there was CANDY 
in front of him.

And, of course,
we had to take a family
Easter picture.
Because I grew up doing that.
And now you all can see my tummy.
You're welcome.
31 weeks down!

If you think Kale looks a little
off in the above 
you would be right.
We hadn't realized it yet, 
but he was sick.
He fell asleep on Tyler 
watching Toy Story 2
and woke up with a temperature
of 101.
And he was so out of it.
I guess it's only appropriate
for him to feel 
a little loopy on 4/20
(hahaha I couldn't resist!)
He seems to be feeling
a little better right now but
there is every possibility 
I'll be in for a long night with this 
cutie pie.
Happy Easter all!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Kale. Is. Taking. A. NAP.

Sooooo, in case you didn't read the title,
Kale is taking a NAP!!!
I don't have much to say right now,
I just saw an opportune 
moment and I thought,
hey, I'll put some
pictures on the blog that really 
aren't that old!

First up, 
Kale and I had a little 
I love picnics.
And hot dogs.
And watermelon.
Kale seemed to enjoy himself as well.

After we'd finished our hot dogs
we had m&ms 
on the blanket.
Kale also seemed to enjoy
this part.

 This next picture is the 
result of me and pinterest.
I made Kale some 
finger paint.
The finger paint sucked
but he enjoyed getting all messy.

For our final event,
my very good friend Brittany
sent Kale and Baby Girl
a package full of fun things.
She is the most thoughtful
I love her.
Anyway, among the gifts
was this really cool
bubble blower thingy
that Kale and I play with 
just about every day.
Here's one of those days.

And that's it!
The weather has taken a turn
for the beautiful the
past few days, 
and later today
(after Kale's nap!)
I might take some pictures of him.
Or maybe I'll take some 
later this week.
Who knows?

Quick baby update:
I've hit 29 weeks!
Crazytimes, I know.
She's doing great!
She is quite the mover,
just like her big brother was.
My tummy is quite
definitely a prego-looking one now.
Sorry I'm not sorry 
that I haven't posted any 
pictures of said tummy.
No, we don't have name
picked out.
Not even close.
Maybe we'll just be one of those
people who wait
until she's old enough
to pick her own name.
And until then we'll just call
her Baby Girl Patterson.
Problem solved.

Anywho, time to enjoy my 
down time!