Saturday, November 11, 2017

Thanks Dain

Dain, Dainy-Boy, Bubba,

   My favorite BABY brother! Thank you for being so dang adorable. I still remember loving being your big sister when you were a baby. I loved feeling responsible for you, and caring for you and doing my part to take care of you. I wonder if that time in our life spurred my desire to be a mom. Obviously mom inspired me a ton, but baby Dainy-Boy certainly helped, so thank you for that!
   Thank you for being so kind-hearted. Thank you for doing everything with a smile. I can't remember a recent time that you have been mad and actually looked mad. I don't know if your facial muscles know how to make and angry face anymore. Thank you for always choosing to be happy. Thank you for letting me crack that egg on your head. Thank you for sucking at Tennis as much as I do. Thank you for playing that game with me and Nate and Kelly Vaughn even though we scared the crap out of you. Thank you for liking me even though I helped convince you there were evil monkeys coming to get you in the night.
  Thank you for being so good to mom. After suffering through Jake, and me, and then Kyle, I'm so glad she got to just enjoy and be happy with you. Thank you for making up for all of our idiotic choices by not making any of them.
   Thank you for asking me for advice, and actually taking it sometimes! Thank you for Snapchatting me up a storm. Thank you for telling me about the things that are going on in your life. Thank you for not hating me after that one night when we were at the Oregon Coast and I was grumpy and I was annihilating everyone with my words and you took the brunt of it. Thank you for playing air hockey with Kale over and over. Thank you for playing with him on the beach.
    Thank you for always being a friend. Thank you for always thinking the best of me. Thank you for being excited to meet your niece and nephew. Thank you for liking Tyler and thinking he's as cool as I do. 
   Thank you for always going along with whatever crazy person I decide to be whenever you call me. Thank you for being excited for us when we got the Iowa State job. Thank you for coming to visit us in Oregon. I'm so happy to have you for a brother. I think without you I would have been more scared to become a mom. So thank you for helping me learn responsibility and to love little ones.

I love you Dain! I can't wait to see you at Christmas. Thank you for everything!

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