Thursday, October 26, 2017

Wildlife Safari and Aunty Kathy

Before we could leave Oregon,
we wanted to go visit Tyler's Aunt Kathy.
She happened to live just down the road
from a Safari,
so she took us there.
And it was SO cool!

Kale was really into it.
Ellory was for a bit.
Then, she wasn't.

After driving through,
there was a part you could go in and walk through.
Kale and Tyler and I went in to check it out
while Aunt Kathy very kindly
stayed int he car with sleeping Ellory.
And we happened to see one of
the Cheetahs getting moved from one
place to another.
Like walking a dog.

That was pretty amazing.
We also saw a badger in the gift shop.
And then we went back to Aunt Kathy's
house and hung out with
her kids and their families.
It was great!
They are a fun bunch and easy to talk to.
And all the kids got along really well.
Thanks again Aunt Kathy!

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