Saturday, October 28, 2017

Last Waterfall Hike

Tyler went to the Track and Field National Championship
with his athletes back in May.
Leaving these athletes was the hardest part
about taking the job at Iowa State.
We especially miss David and Olivia.
They are fantastic athletes,
but they are also amazing people.
I'm glad we were able to get to know them.

On Memorial Day, I wanted to do one more
"Oregon" thing.
Originally, I wanted to go to the coast,
but the weather wasn't cooperating.
So we hit up a waterfall hike.
It ended up being perfect and beautiful
and a great way to say goodbye to Oregon.

Ellory even walked this time....

Kale was fascinated by a bug.

I know. Gross.

There were some neat little caves
along the way.

And, of course, a beautiful 
waterfall at the end.

Tyler and Ellory sat around 
taking selfies..

While Kale and I threw rocks 
into the water.

Also, right by the waterfall,
was an old mineshaft
that had been shut down.
I may have been a little creeped out walking in there

Kale's turn for selfie time:

Kale's graduation picture:

It was a great hike and the perfect
length for the kids.
I will miss Oregon,
for a lot of reasons,
but this is high up there on the list.

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