Thursday, October 26, 2017

Back in March and April and Mayish

Ok, time for more recapping 
from a WHILE ago....

Roth's had Jumbo cupcakes that
kids could come decorate,
so we did that.

Happy Easter from the World's
cutest kiddos.

Ellory LOVES playing picnic with me. 

Here's what Kale said when I told him he was cute:

This was Ellory trying to say "Fantastic"

Kale and I celebrated May the Fourth
by finally letting him watch
all the original Star Wars Movies!!!

This was the last blanket fort we built
in Monmouth, OR:

Tyler and Ellory perfecting their
selfie game: 

Tyler snapped this picture when he was at work

Our friend, Taylor Dunn,
took us to this cool place near Monmouth
where you can view all sorts of birds:

Western Oregon Track Team!

"Look what I can do mom!"

We went to the library to watch

General Conference Saturday morning means
Donuts and Hot Chocolate

I found the kids like this one morning.
They really love each other!

Western Oregon hosted a track meet,
so the kids and I went.
It was actually really fun!
Kale was the loudest cheerer of all the people.

My favorite thing he yelled was,
"Run faster than the other guys, David!!"
And David did:


 We cheered for Tyler doing his job, too.

 I was spoiled for Mother's Day,
per the norm

Kale learned how to cross his eyes,
and it's hilarious.

 And that was all of those pictures.
During this time, 
we also found out about,
applied for,
got an offer
and accepted a job at 
Iowa State University.
You should have seen my parents' faces.

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