Monday, October 30, 2017

An Iowa Summer....Words I Never Thought I'd Say Again

Our summer was fantastic.
We didn't go anywhere fancy,
or do anything particularly spectacular.
But we had a lot of fun,
and we got to spend A LOT
of time with Nana and Pop-Pop,
because they are only 

One day, in the midst of unpacking,
and having many things strewn about the place,
Ellory tripped and banged her eyebrow
on the edge of a chair.
It was bleeding a lot just about instantly.
And this girl generally doesn't
really cry unless it truly hurts.
And she was screaming.
I've often wondered what I would be
like in a situation where my kids are hurt
and it's going to take more than a band-aid
to fix them up.
And don't let me mislead you,
it wasn't like a huge gash,
but it was the worst I had seen
on my kids to date.
And I was surprisingly calm.
I put some pressure on it with a 
towel and did the first thing that popped into my head,
call Tyler.
To be honest,
I called him partly because of his
medical expertise,
and partly because we hadn't gotten our 
insurance cards yet,
so I wasn't 100 percent sure on where to take her.
After talking with him,
we decided that we would just stay put
until he got home to have a look at it.
Once he got home,
the bleeding had slowed way down,
and he was able to 
put some strips on it and 
a big band-aid over top of those
and we called it good.
Oh, and I should mention that Ellory was a champ.
She calmed down very quickly,
with the help of some ice cream,
and never started crying again.
She's got a tiny scar now,
but otherwise she's fine.

In this picture you can kind of see
her bandage:

These are the next day
when I changed her bandages:

I'm so so glad it wasn't worse!

One day, the kids were missing 

 There is a park about a half mile
from our apartment,
so we went there a lot this summer,
Ellory in the stroller
and Kale riding his bike

And now, for a visit to 
the Grandparents' house!
Ellory's favorite thing to do there?
Watch movies.

Kale's favorite thing to do there?
Play the Nintendo 64

These kids are obsessed
with all things electronic...

Ames has an awesome pool,
and we got ourselves passes to it.
Worth. Ever. Penny.
We went every single day.
Weather permitting.
I learned quickly that I had to 
bring Ellory a sandwich or
we wouldn't last longer than an hour.
Girl gets so hangry.

Ellory usually fell asleep on our way home
from the pool.
It was nice to have some alone time with Kale.
Sometimes we would color together
and listen to our favorite songs.

Sometimes we played card games
or board games.
Sometimes we'd do crafts.
Whatever he was in the mood for.

And now, it wouldn't be a real Iowa summer,
if we didn't have ourselves some real
Iowa corn.

One night, Kale was frustrated that he
didn't have any pajamas to wear.
So I gave him this shirt:

He loves it.

When Ellory would fall asleep
on the way home from the pool,
we'd just plop her on the couch,
and she barely flinched.

Our first living room campout
in Iowa:

There are these statues of Cy
all over Ames.
This is the only one I've taken a picture of.
I should get on that...

Because we're cool:

And because Iowa:

Look! Her hair can go into a real

And this face.
It's everything.

 One day we walked to a park,
and then it started to POUR.
I thought it was hilarious and fun.
Kale was mad at first,
but then he warmed up to it.

We found the movie
Once Upon A Forest
at the library.
I had forgotten it even existed.
So we watched it, of course.

Back to Nana and Pop-Pop's!
Nothing like a good old game of
Hi-Ho Cheerie- O's

And Super Smash Bros

Ellory loves herself a good puzzle.

And a ride on a lawnmower. 

This was the best,
when Kale came down from the playroom
with this on.
We laughed pretty hard.
He didn't understand why.
So he got upset.
But he let me take a picture anyway.

We bonfired down in the Shady Glen.
Can't remember the last time
I did that.

Pop-Pop let Kale help him build the fire.

And S'mores were made.
And enjoyed.

There's a place in Ames
where I go to get my hippy-dippy
(thanks Oregon)
And they give kids a free piece of fruit.
Thank goodness my kids 
like at least one fruit...

Sometimes Ellory gets so hangry
that she can't even handle
feeding herself.
Little drama queen....

Once, she ate a breakfast
that wasn't a poptart.

The kids and I found a park
with beach volleyball.
No one was playing on it,
so we used it to play in the sand
like we did on the Oregon coast.
Only it was a lot warmer.

Sometimes, they just want me to take there picture.
No complaints here.

I had a very minor surgery at the beginning of August.
Thankfully my parents were willing
to let the kids come stay with them
so I could recover.
They were there for 4 whole days.
I'd never been away from Ellory that long.
So I made her cuddle me 
before they left:

On one of the last days before 
summer ended and school started,
we went and got Blizzards
and played at a park.
Family is the greatest thing
in the Universe.
And so are Blizzard mustaches

And that was our summer.
I think I may be forgetting things
we did,
but I guess if there weren't any pictures taken,
then it never happened.

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