Tuesday, August 28, 2018

March 2018

March was truly madness for me,
on many levels.
The first?
My baby brother got MARRIED.
First of all,
big shout out to my Aunt Aethea and Uncle Jeff.
They let me and the kids, 
PLUS my parents,
PLUS Kyle and Heather and their kids,
stay at their house while we were in town for the wedding.
Jeff went and stayed with his parents
so that he would be able to get 
some actual sleep because some people 
have jobs and stuff!
I am really grateful to him for being willing
to be kicked out of his home for us,
and to Aethea for feeding us
and putting up with our all around craziness.
I had a BLAST.

It was really fun to see baby
Emma again so soon:

And to get a chance to play with Charlotte:

Aethea busted out her old Barbie set.
Ellory couldn't have been happier.
That is, until the end of the trip when Aethea
told her that she could 
The joy on her face was 
the best.

Pop-Pop is the most comfy
of all of us to sleep on:

Dain and Heidi sent me
this Snapchat,
 so I snagged a screen shot of it:

This is where Kale's fascination
and love for Emma began:

It was adorable and a little heartbreaking.
I'd recently had a conversation
with him about how my body wasn't working correctly,
and even though we want to,
we probably wouldn't be able
to have any more babies.
He was really sad when I told him,
but when we were at Aethea's house
he told me he was really glad
that we would at least
be able to have baby cousins.
And just like that, 
he grew up just a little:

Isn't that bow-tie just the best?
Heidi's mom made them
for all the little nephews.
And for all the little nieces.....

That's right!
Poofy. Pink. Tu-tus.
It was so cute.
Charlotte didn't want to me to take 
her picture that morning,
so that's why she isn't in the mix.
But look at all these adroables:

It was REALLY windy
and a little cold,
so Ellory was done after about
17 seconds.
And all she wanted was her Pop-Pop:

After taking pictures outside the Temple,
we went to the church
for the luncheon.
My cousin, Kristen,
let the kids watch a show on her phone:

Aethea and Kristen:

We always have such a great time together.

Here was the dessert table:

These brownies were 

My dad said a few words
while we all stared at the yummy 
Cafe Rio behind him,
mouths watering.

Charlotte really like Aethea,
and I can't blame her

After cleaning up the luncheon,
we headed back to Aethea's house
to await the reception.
Card games ensued,
and Kyle fed his baby like this:

Aunt Vauna and Uncle Jeff
hung around too!
We love them so much.

The reception was beautiful,
and they got a really great turn out.
And they had their special
drinks (dirty Dr. Peppers)

At one point,
Ellory stole the bride's bouquet:

I swear I made her give it back.

Mom's BFF's from college swung by,
and they were, like, SO happy to see each other!

Dain danced with Mom:

And Ellory got grumpy and tired.

And then it was over.
I'm really grateful I was able to go
and participate and spend time with family.
The only sad part was that
Tyler couldn't come with us.
Heidi is great and I am happy
to add another sister to our family!

And now,
for the long ride home:

Kale and Ellory are truly the best
kid travellers.
I have yet to hear of anyone
who's kids do better.
Thank goodness for portable DVD players.

I missed Tyler so much,
I listened to some country music:

Ya. I know.
It was serious.

So remember how when we drove out
to Utah my mom was super sick?
Well when we drove back home to Iowa,
I started feeling awful.
I figured it was because I hadn't slept
very many hours because
we were up late every night,
and also because I had been eating all the 
junk food in sight.
By the time we got home,
I felt truly awful.
Tyler put me in a bath
and then sent me to bed.
I woke up feeling 
the same.
For days I could not shake it.
It was the worst I had felt in a really long time.
And Tyler had to leave 
on a trip with the Track Team!
So I asked mom if she could please 
come and stay with me,
because I wasn't getting any better,
and I was finding it difficult 
to even get up
to get the kids their meals.
And she came without hesitation.

And this was the day,
that changed everything.
I knew mom was on her way over.
And I was talking to Tyler on the phone
and I said,
"You know, this feels just like my morning sickness, except 
that I'm not throwing up. Maybe it's a good thing
I can't have any more kids, maybe I can't handle 
being pregnant and taking care of 2 kids."
And then it just kept bugging me and bugging me
that it felt exactly the same as morning sickness.
So, I decided to take a test,
just to put it out of my mind.
But then,
it was positive!
I couldn't believe my eyes.
For months I had been doing various
tests and ALL of them had come
back negative.
This shouldn't be possible.
It was a miracle!
I called Tyler,
and the first thing I said was,
"So, I'm pregnant."
He was a bit speechless.
He was in the middle of crossing
the street, surrounded by people.
Not exactly the best time to chat.
So he asked me if he could call me back.
I called my doctor's office to make an 
went in,
and their test was positive too.
There was no doubt about it!
So when mom got here, I told her the knews,
that I wasn't going to be getting 
better any time soon.
That's actually how I worded it to Tyler as well,
They both told me that that was the worst
way I could have worded it.
I see that now.
My brain wasn't working
at it's best.
Mom was thrilled for me.
And she cancelled plans she had so 
she could stay with me a few extra days.
I can't express how grateful I am
for my parents
at this time.
They both came over multiple
times when Tyler was traveling,
which was almost every week,
and just took care of everything.
Took Kale to school,
fed the kids,
played with the kids,
scratched my back,
rubbed my head,
washed the dishes,
did the laundry,
just everything.
You really never stop being 
a mom or a dad!

One day the neighbor boys
asked Kale to come out
and play basketball.
I sat by the window and watched:

Ellory getting in her meditation time:

Kale's springbreak was super boring:

But one day,
I got up enough nerve to take them
to the library for a bit:

Taking them places was hard,
because this time around,
I got really really really dizzy and carsick
every time I got in the car.

But then Nana came and rescued them
from their boredom.
She took them to Mcdonald's
and then back to her house for a few days:

One day the weather wasn't 
too terrible,
so Ellory and I sat out in it for a bit.
The fresh air was really nice:

And some days,
I just let her watch Word World
in her underwear:

One day Kale told me
he thought there was something
in his ear.
I asked him what he thought it was,
but he said he didn't know.
I looked, but didn't see anything.
A little while later,
he came to me and showed me what
had just fallen out of his ear:

Then I got the full story.
He'd found it at school and
was worried that if he put it in his pocket
it would fall out.
So the next logical option?
Put it in your ear!
Oh Kale.

One day Ellory had her two friends,
Neve and Thea,
over for a playdate:

And later that day I acted 
like a real veteran mom
and had a car load of kids to take home from school:

On this wonderful night,
I introduced the kids to the movie,
The Princess Bride.

They loved it, duh.

My mom gave me some old
home videos to watch,
and one of them was when Aunt Aethea came 
to visit us in Indiana.
Look at us!


Kale was pumped that his tongue turned blue:

Nana came to stay again,
and she brought the kids
new pajamas.
This may be the greatest picture I've 
taken of them, to date:

A friend of mine and I decided
we wanted to do a small
Easter Egg hunt with the kids.
It was chilly but not too terrible,
and the park we met at wasn't too far away.
I think it was the perfect amount of eggs,
and the big kids did a great job
of leaving plenty for the little kids.

Ellory was a little tired one day:

The Easter Bunny came!

And that was March!
My whole world changed,
and I am forever grateful.
I tried my best not complain about how awful
I felt,
but I didn't always succeed.
I'd also like to note here that
when Tyler was home,
he took care of everything.
Anything the kids needed,
all the housework,
all the church stuff,
taking Kale to school,
just everything.
And he was under a lot of pressure at work .
I'm sure the last thing he wanted
to do when he got home
was dishes and stuff.
But he did.
Without me ever ever ever having to ask him to.
I know that I am really lucky to have a husband 
like that.
I may have felt the worst I've ever felt physically,
but I've never been so grateful
and felt so blessed and loved
by just about everyone around me.

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