Sunday, November 29, 2015

Gobble Gobble Ham

November was a good one!
It got chilly and very rainy,
which I'm not complaining about.
So far, I'm not sick of the rain.
Kale and I made a countdown
to Thanksgiving Chain:

Ellory says "cheese" now:

Kale is just crazy:

There's this cool place here
called the Gilbert House Children's Museum.
It's two houses filled with themed 
rooms for kids to play in.
It's really cool.
We went with my friend,
and her girls Lyda and Emmy.
The kids had a blast!
I'm really grateful to have
found a good friend out here.

Kale decided one day
that he just really wanted to
put on his costume and take pictures again...

For most of the Sundays this month
I have been helping out the Primary
and teaching the Sunbeams (Kale's class).
So, Ellory has been going
to class with Dad,
and falling asleep:

My husband is the most handsome
of all the husbands.
And a sleeping little girl
on his shoulder just ups 
his handsomeness about a thousand points. 

A couple weeks ago I grounded
both the kids from all TV/electronics
for the entire week.
It was wonderful.
We are all a lot happier when
the TV is on less.
And Kale and Ellory really learned 
how to play together and be pals.
One game they started 
was Kale picking Ellory up
and carrying her places.
They both thought it was hilarious:

Another game was Ellory 
getting in the toy bin 
that has wheels and Kale
pushing her around:



I LOVE listening to them play.
Kale is still learning how to be soft with her,
and to listen when she wants him
to stop doing something.
But the majority of the time 
he's really good with her,
and she's pretty tough and
thinks it's funny to get hit 
in the face, 
so it works out.

Well, November 20th was Tyler's 
last day of work until January.
There isn't a ton of fun stuff
to do, but we are trying.
One day, we all went to the 
And Ellory thought about
making a fashion statement:

That lasted for about 3 seconds.
At the library, she did some chillin:

We had a fun time
playing in the discovery room
and then I took Ellory to the 
baby story-time which I haven't
been able to do since
we moved here.
Gotta love story time!

And then, it was Thanksgiving!
In the morning I was 
crazy dizzy.
Like so dizzy it made me
NOT what you want 
happening on Thanksgiving.
It was really odd.
Eventually it went away 
with the help of some medicine
Tyler gave me.
Tyler went to play some
football with people in our ward,
so I took the kids to the playground
next to where they were playing football.
It. Was. COLD.
But the kids loved it.
It had been a really long time
since I'd taken them to 
a playground.

We went home
and began preparations for dinner
while the kids played and played:

Dinner was delicious.
We had Ham (better than Turkey!)
mashed potatoes and gravy,
homemade rolls (my first time!)
and stuffing.
And for dessert we had
pumpkin cobbler (Delish!!)

It was a yummy meal
and I had fun making 
it with Tyler.
Then we vegged and watched
football and
played with the kids
and that night we watched Home.
I am so very grateful for my little family!
I missed my grandma lots,
because Thanksgiving 
was when I was always with her.
I made a few cream cheese olive balls
and thought of her :)

On Friday we put up all our
Christmas decorations.

Not to toot my own horn,
I made the letters and sewed
them onto these stockings by hand.
So, I'm pretty proud of it
and I have to show it off
because that's the kind of 
person I am.
They aren't perfect,
but they are a lot better than I 
thought they'd turn out:

Bring on the Holidays!!

1 comment:

  1. I thought about Grandma all day too. 😊 I like to think that she peeked in at all of us to see what we were up to.
