Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas Times

We had such a very merry
Christmas Time!
The whole month
we got to spend
lots and lots of time
together as a family.
And pictures were
taken a few times....

Like this time when
I was a horse or maybe a donkey
for the kids:

Ellory gets more and more
adorable every day:

This coat is the one
Grandpa Pat gave her
last Christmas:

Brother and Sister forever:

This was our viewing 
of the Christmas classic

My friend Amy had us
over to decorate 
gingerbread houses:

If you can't tell,
Kale did it all by himself :)

 Later that night
we went to this place
in Silverton called The Garden
where they have a Christmas thing 
going on.
We had planned to go the previous
week to see the reindeer
but it was rainy and cold.
Well, it was rainy and cold
every day so we finally decided to 
suck it up and just go.
They had a small tent
with an ice skating rink
so Tyler took Kale for a spin!

It was difficult for Kale...

But he kept trying!

And Trying!

 And trying....

Ellory and I walked around and watched
and ate a cookie.

Ellory kept trying to go
out onto the rink.
Maybe next year kiddo.

After skating we went to find Santa:

Then, we walked around the
Festival of Lights for a bit:

It was raining pretty good
and it was cold,
so we didn't stay very long.
It was a fun little outing!

The 18th was out 6th Anniversary!
Tyler gave me a beautiful 
necklace that I love so much
I've worn it every day.
The 18th was also our ward Christmas Party
so we celebrated on the 19th 
by leaving the kids with a babysitter
and eating at a place called The Rock
(it was delicious!)
and then heading over the the
theater for.......

I loved it.
Like a lot.
Like SO much.
I was giddy.
Tyler is too good to me :)
And then we grabbed ice cream
at Cold Stone.
Perfect night.

On the Eve of Christmas Eve
we had Amy and Nathan and 
their girls Lyda, Emmy and Olive 
over for dinner and then 
a showing of The Polar Express.
Lyda and Emmy had never seen it!

And then it was Christmas Eve!
It was a rather chill day.
For dinner we had
Chicken cordon bleu
with loaded mashed potatoes
and this new rolls with spinach and artichoke dip thing.
We enjoyed it!

Ellory wasn't feeling too hot
after having gotten her
shots the day before,
so she was watching Word World.

After dinner we opened
our Christmas Eve pajama presents:

Kale's were Ninja Turtles!
(Or, as he says it, "Turtle Injas")

Ellory's have cows all over them
because that's the animal noise she says best.
Tyler's shirt is Real Salt Lake, and then he got
red and black adidas shorts because
WOU is and adidas school.
My pants have little penguins on them
and the shirt says "Oh What Fun"
and I love them!

Kale was very very excited,
and it took him a bit to fall asleep.
But in the morning...

Santa had come!!!!
They both had socks stuffed in
their stockings.
And they each had one big present from him!

Legos for Kale:

And a Princess Dollhouse for Ellory:

Kale liked the dollhouse too....

The Lego box Kale got had 192 Legos inside.... 
I think he's pretty set for a while.

 Then we had cinnamon rolls for breakfast:

And now the rest of the presents!
I didn't photograph everything,
but here's a few:

Grandma Pam has started a tradition of 
giving the grandkids an ornament 
every year.
This year, Kale's was a Ninja Turtle.
How perfect!

And Ellory's was a lollipop.
How adorable :)

Addy and Kolby sent Kale
a new book!

Uncle Jake sent Kale this
beast of a nerf gun:

Grandma Pam sent Sven!

Uncle Jake sent Ellory a super
cute teddy bear:

Lyda and Emmy gave
Ellory and Kale each a homemade
ornament with their names on them.
So sweet!

More Legos from Nana and Grandpa!!

Ellory got this cute book and
coloring thing from Nana and Grandpa.
She loved it right away :)

Here is her tea set from Nana and Grandpa,
which Kale also loves.

 Of course they were interested
in all presents being opened,
not just theirs.

 Tyler's sound bar!

Phew! What a haul.

Thank you to everyone who sent gifts!
We are spoiled rotten :)
Kale was pretty wound up
over all his new things:

Tyler and I gave them new backpacks:

And of course, Kale couldn't
wait to try out his new gun:

See the clip?
The thing is nuts.
It takes like 4 batteries to even
shoot the thing.

That's what cool uncles are for!

The rest of the day we vegged,
ate leftovers,
and tinkered with our new things.
It was a great day!

The day after Christmas we continued
the vegging, eating leftovers, tinkering with our new things
It was great.
 Except for when I took my present
from Tyler out for a run:

It's the coolest watch
and  I love it!
He also gave me a new hoodie
which you can see the sleeve of.
Plus he gave me a Star Wars puzzle!
It's 1000 pieces and is going to 
take me a really long time to do,
but I don't even care!
And he gave me this cool thing
that I do my puzzle on
and then I can just roll it up and 
set it aside while I'm not working 
on it.
Super Cool.
I'm such a nerd.

And Ellory watched some football with daddy:

Of course, Nana sent the kids
adorable clothes,
more specifically adorable church clothes.
And the first batch was worn today:

Ellory wasn't really in the mood
to take a picture.
And that was our Christmas!
We have had a wonderful time
and we feel so blessed to have
received so many presents 
from friends and family.
We love and miss you all!
Merry Christmas!!

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