Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Halloween!

So I'm a big fan of Halloween.
Okay, I'm a big fan
of all the holidays.
It's because of my mom.
She made all the holidays
so much fun and 
special that I just ate it
up and love doing
the same things
for my kids now!

So, first thing Kale and 
I did was make 
a few Halloween decorations:

We watched a ton
of Halloween shows
like Curious George Boofest,
It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown,
Toy Story of Terror,
and a bunch more.

 We went to our ward's
Ellory was a Ladybug:

I popped out the lenses
in my sunglasses
for my costume
and we had fun with them
afterwards at home:

This kid was MADE
to wear those glasses.

Cray-Cray ADORBS

One time, Ellory was sucking 
her thumb....

Every time, these two are
so cute I could die.

Two words:
Zebra. Pants.

And, of course,
we carved a pumpkin:

Kale scooped out the guts
and then I showed him
a bunch of faces
online and he 
picked which one
he wanted me to carve.

We also made my mom's
sugar cookies!
I didn't snap any pictures
of that, but
Kale helped me mix
 the ingredients
and cut out the cookie shapes!

Poor Kale got sick 2 day before Halloween
so I had to keep him 
resting so he would get better.

The night before Halloween I put
Ellory in her 
Halloween pajamas:

About two minutes
later she blew out
her diaper and I had
to change her pajamas.

On Halloween day Kale still
had a cough but
his fever was gone
so we let him go Trick-Or-Treating
with his cousins.
And he was so excited to wear 
his awesome costume!

And he didn't want to stop
taking pictures,
so we went a little nuts.
These are just a couple
of the many pictures
we took:

Kale took the next two:

Ellory has hit that phase
where she isn't 
so sure about other
Aunt Janie really wanted 
to hold her so 
we gave it a shot....

She just needed a little more
warming up.
She chilled with Janie
for a long time later,
I just had stopped taking 

Cousin Trick-Or-Treaters!!!!

Just for clarification, we have,
the Blue Ninja,
a Nerd,
the Purple People Eater,
a Baby,
and the Monopoly Guy.
Clever kids!

Ellory had just woken up
from a nap 
and wanted mama,
so Tyler took Kale 
and I stayed at Laura and Clint's house.

And that was our Halloween!
We had a blast 
and let the cousins stay up
way late playing.
Love it when Halloween is
on Friday.
I was so glad to be so
close to family!

On a completely related note,
look how cute my family is:

Brother and Sister

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