Sunday, October 19, 2014

Birthdays, Travels, And Lots of Pictures.

So, I just really really
wanted to have another
blog post with an
obscene amount of pictures,
and that is the reason
I am giving for my
Let us begin:

So, one day I went into our
room to find Tyler and Ellory
like this:

I know, you could die
she is so cute.

One day Kale and I 
took all the cushions
off the couch
and all the pillows of the beds
and played 
The Floor Is Lava!

Kale jumped face first.
Every. Time. 

Kale loves Ellory.
Ellory loves Kale.

Ellory also loves 
to eat her fists.

We took the kids
to the Aquarium in Salt Lake
on the rainiest day
in the history of Utah.
It was really cool!
Way better than the aquarium in Seattle.
It was a Saturday so it
was PACKED with other
families, but ours
was the cutest.
Hands down.

Ellory was an angel and 
chilled in the stroller.
Until she got hungry.
Then, I fed her in the River Otter

I feel like in the above picture
the caption should say:
"I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse."
I've never even seen that movie.

Check out these GIANT fish:


You can't tell,
but this was where
the penguins were:


Check out this kid
who brought his
sword to the aquarium.
I love it.

Hi, my name is Ellory
and I am an angel:

So Kale's birthday was
a little different 
this year.
Tyler traveled to Notre Dame
with the cross country team
on his actual birthday,
so we celebrated on the 6th.

How cool is that??
Anyway, we just told Kale that 
the 6th was
his birthday.
Don't judge.
All parents lie.
But on Sunday night we skyped
with my parents
while he opened
up the giant box of presents they'd 

Thank goodness for technology!

 Ninja pajamas!

Then, on Monday morning,
we treated it like it
was his birthday.
Starting with a present
from Mom and Dad
(and Ellory).

Kale still does that thing
where he is extremely
meticulous about 
unwrapping his presents.
One little piece at a time.

Chutes and Ladders!

We also got him 
some train tracks but 
we had to order them and they 
didn't make it in time.

Time out from 
Kale to see how cute
Ellory is.

Ok, back to Kale.
Look at this cute tool set!

This is Kale taking my order
for what to build:

I made Kale funfetti pancakes
for breakfast.

He thought the whipped cream
was ice cream.
Close enough.

Then, that night we had
a Toy Story Birthday Party!

Tyler chilled with Corey for a bit:

Kale went bazurk
(yes, that's how I'm gonna spell it)
with his cousins.

I hope everyone wasn't too
It was nice to be able to 
have the party at our place.
It's not huge, but it's big enough!

Then, it was present time.
Kale got SPOILED.

 The cousins gathered round to get 
a good look

Kale got tired of waiting for presents 
to be brought to him.

He was so excited by all his presents!
Special thanks to all who came!
Here are some pictures of 
the decorations I put up:

The above is a variation 
on pin the tail on the donkey,
just with Mr. Potato Head.
I know, that is the best
potato you have ever seen.

And this was his birthday haul:

 What a loved kid!!

Grandpa Pat came over for a Sunday 
dinner and held Ellory
for a long time. How sweet!

Look how adorable Kale is:

This past Thursday I was lucky enough to
be able to go to
the Temple with my wonderful friend
Brittany Crumback's 
first time.
It was awesome.
I love her and I'm so glad 
I could be there.
Alyssa and Kirsten were there too!!!

Checkout this variation on the floor is lava:

Tyler went to Wisconsin this last week
so the kids and I had a little
living room 
slumber party/ movie time:

This past Friday I took the kids
to a cool place called
with my cousin Kristen and her kids.
It was so fun!
I love that she is only 10 minutes away.
Play dates like all the times.

The corn maze was really cool.
The kids got bored of it
pretty quick, though.

What kid doesn't love a good bounce?


Look, Tyler really 
was in Wisconsin!


That's it.
Hope you enjoyed.
My life is about to get 
a lot busier,
so expect the next post to be just as overloaded.

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