Sunday, November 30, 2014

Gobble Gobble and a Million Pictures

What a great Thanksgiving!
We had our family
in town for the
entire week and we
had a BLAST.
And, between my camera,
my parents camera,
and Tyler's phone,
we documented nearly 
every moment.

Jake arrived first, 
but it was late at night
so the kids didn't see him
until the morning.
And I didn't snap pictures
until Nana and Grandpa 
showed up.

Kale immediately demanded
everyone's undivided
by starting a game of Trouble.

Our first two days together
were pretty chill.
Then, on Saturday night
we headed up to 
Salt Lake to go
to the Desert Star
with Aunt Vauna, Uncle Jeff
and other members of 
my dad's side of the family.
Kale was excited
to hang out with
Nana while we went out:

Desert Star is the coolest.
It's a dinner theater place,
so we had some delicious
pizza while enjoying
a hilarious play
How the Grouch Stole Christmas.




It was SO funny.
I'm not even exaggerating.
Just ask Tyler.

Thanks Aunt Vauna and Uncle Jeff!

 Nana babysat Kale and Ellory.
Ellory screamed for a couple
of hours.
Sorry mom!
But they cuddled later,
so it's all good.

On Monday Aunt Aethea,
Grandma and Kristen came
over for a visit.
So, of course,
we played cards!

I don't know what
Kale and Jake are watching,
but they are really into it:

 Look at this sweet picture!

Chomping on Grandpa's finger:


I asked my mom to 
show me how to 
make her homemade bread.
Kale wanted to help too:

That was really fun.
I'm glad my mom showed
me how so I can
keep the tradition rolling!

This is Kale and Jake
dropping a beat:


My kids LOVE Uncle Kyle
and Aunt Heather:

So Kale decided he didn't
want to go to the Preschool Story Time
at the library,
but he still wanted to learn
about the letter L,
so Tyler showed him
how to write some L words.
Look how amazing he did:

 The day was beautiful
so we went outside
to color chalk
and play basketball.
Then, Kyle and Heather had
to run a get something,
but Heather forgot her phone inside.
Kyle backed out the car while she 
was inside and
Kale was really worried that he
was going to forget Aunt Heather
so he started yelling at him to stop.
Kale's got your back Heather!

My grandma's Christmas present
from her kids this 
year is a laptop.
So we all helped her learn,
I just had to shoot 
this picture of my mom and grandma
at their computers
with their reading glasses on.
Sorry I'm not sorry mom!

Wednesday night
Nana, Grandpa and Great Grandma
stayed home with 
Kale and Ellory
while Jake, Kyle, Heather, Tyler and I 
went bowling.

I SUCK at bowling.
Everyone else did great.

And then it was Thanksgiving Day!
Grandma was up
at the crack of dawn
making food.
Look at all this:

The boys watched football:

Nana and Heather slaved away in the kitchen.

 Then, we headed to Kristen and Corey's
church building in Pleasant Grove
to have dinner all together.
But first, a family picture
for the Gerber Christmas card:

This is Emmie,
the newest addition to
Jana and Brett's family.
She. Is. Adorable.

Stuff your faces people.

Aunt Aethea,
the FUNNEST Aunt.

Sisters. Sisters!

After dinner, Uncle Brian
said he thought a special
visitor was coming.
But we needed to sing loud
so he could come....

It's Santa! I know him!
I know him!!

When he asked Kale what 
he wanted 
Kale replied,
"Uh, some turtles and stuff."
Silly boy.

And then it was time to
take as many different
group pictures we could come up with.
First, Great Grandma with 
her Great Grandkids.

Then, Grandma with her kids.

This is just so perfect.

Grandma looked up too!!!

Then, Grandma with the grandkids:

And then,
All of us!!!

And finally,
anyone wearing a flannel shirt:

I love my family.
And naturally, we had to play some
That was interesting.

Jake went and saw the 
new Hunger Games movie
with Kristen and
I'm actually not sure who else went.
So he got home
late and had to leave at
8 the next morning to 
catch his flight.
Kale wouldn't wake up to say
bye to him,
but he noticed he was 
gone when he woke up.
We were so glad Jake could 
stay with us.
We had a ton of fun with him
and he is such a fun uncle!!

The weather was so nice
Nana and Grandpa took 
Kale to the park:

And apparently he made a friend:
And was allowed to jump
from rock to rock.

Great day at the park!

Friday night we went up
to Heber to ride the 
North Pole Express.
It was SO awesome!

 Uncle Kyle!

 Look how cute they are!

 Kale has his ticket!

The train was so cool.
I can't even describe
how awesome it
all was.
So Christmasy.

We all got to have some 
nummy Hot Chocolate:

Uncle Kyle and Kale
danced to the Christmas music:

Okay, we all danced
and sang to the music:

Mrs. Claus came by with
chocolate chip cookies
for everyone!

 And the conductor punched our tickets!

And then they played
All I Want For Christmas Is You,
so of course we had to jam:

They did a conga line
up and down the isle
during Feliz Navidad:
And then we found the North Pole!

 As we were going past Kale
said to Nana:
"Um, that looks like paint."
Can't get nothing past this kid.

And then Santa came on board!

This time he told Santa he
wanted a Thomas Train Track.

And then Santa gave us all
a bell!

 This was Ellory's face
as Santa was coming 

And then,
Saturday night we put
up our Christmas tree with 
Nana and Grandpa:

And put presents under
the tree:

Nana got in some last
minute snuggles:

And Kale and Grandpa
got in a last minute chat:

Then we turned all the lights off
except the christmas tree
and watched Polar Express.
And then Nana and Grandpa left
to go back to Iowa.
It's always sad when they
leave, but we're
so glad they could come!
They spoil us rotten
and we're not complaining.

And that was it!
Congratulations if you looked 
through all these pictures.
Extra congratulations if you
read all the words, too.