Sunday, September 14, 2014

Football and 3 Months Old

It hasn't been a super
eventful week,
just a few fun things
here and there.
First up, 
Tyler and I were able
to go to BYU's home opener.
It happened to be on 
September 11,
so there were a ton of
cool things they did to
honor the memory of that day.

This flag was huge and it 
was really cool
that the players helped the 
military personnel 
hold it.

One of the things
they have at the games
is the Cannon Crew,
which is a group
of ROTC guys who
come out and do
push-ups every time
we score.
So if the score is 7 then
they do 7 push-ups,
but when we score again and make
it 14 then they do 14
push-ups, and so on
and so forth.
Kyle is part of this crew
so I tried to get a picture.
I think he might be the one 
on the end on the right.

The game was really fun!
It was a night game
so it got a little 
chilly by the end.
But we won!
So far BYU is undefeated,
and I hope they can keep the ball

This past Friday 
Ellory hit the 3 month mark!!
I can't believe how fast
time is flying by.
She has the sweetest smile
and she is still just so 
I just love her to death.


Also this week I 
introduced Kale to computer
They're the awesome
learning games on,
so I'm not like a bad
mom or anything.
He LOVES it.
He really concentrates
and it's amazing how 
quickly he figures
the games out.
I'm so proud of how
smart Kale is.

And here is some more 
proof that my 
true talent in life
is to make 
the most adorable
kids on the planet:

I just realized that in the
above picture
Ellory is giving me the bird.
But the smile looks
so genuine!
I could be in real trouble
with this one.

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