Sunday, April 19, 2015

Easter and Such

Pictures, pictures!
Who wants some pictures!?!!

So one time
(literally, ONE time)
it was cold and snowed.
Kale and I had some yummy 
hot chocolate
(AKA I had hot chocolate and 
Kale ate marshmallows 
covered in lukewarm chocolate).

And we built a fort to
stay warm.
Because forts are always awesome.

St. Patrick's Day was fun.
I did a little scavenger hunt
with Kale.
I cut out pieces of 
a rainbow and made them into clues.
Each clue was found on
it's coinciding color.
For example, the red clue was found 
on our red cabinet.
At the end he found
the green rice krispy treats
attached to a pot of gold.
He thought it was awesome!
The scavenger hunt.
He couldn't have cared less about
the rice krispy treats.
We played this games for 
days and days after St. Patrick's.
Which became difficult.
I don't have a ton
of different things that 
are orange.

Look how cute Ellory is:

 A while back Tyler's
track travels took him to Seattle:

 And he was able to meet
up with Dave and Stephanie
(I'm jealous!)

 We went to Grandma Pam's 
for dinner one night
and Kale was so cute playing
with her legos

Look at that concentration

Speaking of cute,
these two are the cutest 
kids in our church building
every dang week:

We went to hang
with Grandpa Pat one night
and snatched a few
pics of him with the kids:


We had our traditional
Easter Egg Hunt at
Janie and Mark's house!
It was a blast.
We had a delicious brunch
full of waffles and bacon and sausage
and all kinds of toppings
for said waffles.

The weather was BEAUTIFUL
so we all enjoyed
the outdoors!

Here are all the kids with 
Grandpa Pat!

Here's the whole Patterson Clan!

Here's all the kids with 
Grandma Pam!

Ellory had no problem 
napping outside

Grandpa had a special yummy
treat for all the kids from
See's Candies
(Trust me, they were delicious.)

Ellory cuddled with
Aunt Janie:

Gracie was adorable with

The kids made out like bandits:

And Tyler and I crashed
at their house for the rest of the day
so I could go to the Women's Broadcast
with Janie and Rubie!

The weather continued to be 
so me and the little ones took advantage!

We love the sunshine!
And otter-pops.

This girl couldn't look more like
her brother if she tried.

It's so nice having a good 
park within walking distance!

Kyle and Heather came 
over for Easter dinner.
I ruined the ribs, 
but they were still edible
so it wasn't a total failure.

Kale was silly
and put a million stickers
on himself at once:

Ellory climbed in our
basket all by herself:

This last Saturday I took 
the kids to check out the 
Provo Spring Festival
while Tyler was at Utah State
for a track meet.
It was really cool
but there were just so many
people there and it was
super windy, so we
didn't stay very long.
Kale played a few fun games and
got to meet Spider-man!
When I told him he could go talk to him
he just walked right up to him and 
tried to fight him:

Spider-man was a good
sport and pretend to 
fight with Kale for a bit.
Then they took a good picture for me:

Batman was there too and
came over so Kale could take a picture
with him,
but Kale said, "I don't like Batman."
He later told Tyler that he 
is scared of Batman.
Totally understandable.

There was a game there called
"Foot Croquette" 
that Kale loved

And now
we are all caught up!
Lots of life changes headed 
our way.
My mom is coming out 
to visit this week.

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