Saturday, February 28, 2015

Bathtime and Milkshakes

 Hello Hello Hello!
This path month has 
been full of it's ups and downs.
We've had unusually warm
weather, which has been
great for playing
but has come with sick kids.
Tyler has been able to go
on some cool trips!
And we've had
some all around good family fun.
But why am I even
talking about this,
when there are pictures
to be seen!?

First up, bath time.
I'm loving bath time with 
these little tykes lately.
They take baths together
now, which is A-dorable.
On this particular day,
Ellory took a bath alone because
she'd just had a MAJOR 
I didn't want Kale to just 
hang out by himself in 
the living room,
and I wanted to keep the bathroom
door shut so it would
stay nice and warm.
So, I improvised:

 That's right.

Ellory loves her bath time:

And Kale loves his computer time:

So, Tyler recently got to
travel to New York City
with the track team!
I was (ok I still am)
insanely jealous.
 This is the indoor track
they were at,
called The Armory.

He got to see the USA set
a new world record in the
Distance Medley Relay.
Pretty sweet, huh?

The hotel he stayed at was just 
up the street from
Radio City Music Hall:

 Like, literally up the street.
When we skyped he showed 
me the view from his
window and I could see the sign 
for it.

While he was there, he got
to go see Les Miserables
with a bunch of the track team.

Les Mis.
On broadway.
I couldn't be any more jealous.


His hotel wasn't far from
Times Square, so he
got to experience that madness

While he goes on trips
I try to send him
lots of pictures of the kids.
We went to the library one day:

And Ellory was adorable
on another day:

Kale and I went to the
indoor swimming pool
and he was pretty exhausted

Ellory was silly one time:

And another time she looked
like a mob boss:

That picture kills me!
Look at those cheeks!

So, whenever Tyler travles,
he's started a tradition of
getting me earings from whatever 
campus he's on.
After NYC, however, he got
presents for all of us!
A cute dress for Ellory that says I <3 nyc="" p="">
a Statue of Liberty Minnie Mouse
for Kale,
And then for me he was able to
find really cool earings that have the
Empire State Building on them,
but he couldn't find them for a
while so he also got me
this really cool beanie that says New York on it.
Ellory might steal it from
me though.....

Ellory and Kale were adorable at the same time
one day:

We had a picnic one time, too:

Kale decided it was Ninja time
(He says 'Inja')

Elory swung in a swing for the first time
and loved it

She also wore some adorable clothes:

Kale got a haircut.
I had to bribe him with 4 whole quarters
in order to get him to

The weather took a turn for 
the even more gorgeous

And then one weekend
Tyler was home!
So we had a really fun family night out.
We took the kids to the 
Provo Beach Resort
and had a yummy dinner,
let Kale play in this 
cool giant playplace,
and then topped it off with a delicious dessert.
Kale had a hard time sitting 
still waiting for our food,
so I walked around with him
to check the place out,
while Tyler and Ellory looked
all cute:

Tyler and I took turns playing
in the playplace with Kale,
but Tyler was the one who
took pictures of it:

They have this really cool
little retro looking
ice cream parlor
that we got ice cream at,
and it was delicious!

That was such a fun night.
I love my little family!

Last Saturday was Jordan's
(Jordan is my cousin Kristen's daughter)
She turned 6, which is nuts.
She invited Kale to come to
her birthday party.
We went to this fun
bounce-house place
called Kangaroo Zoo
and then did pizza and presents
and cake!
It was an all around great time:

While I was at the party with Kale, 
Tyler was at home with Ellory:


Little update on Ellory:
She crawls like a boss.
She pulls herself up on 
She has two teeth coming in
on the bottom.
She has discovered how 
to blow raspberries.
She loves sweet potatoes.
And ice cream.
And I won't be surprised if she's walking next month.
Tell her to slow down!!!!

Last night, something happened
that was both unexpected
and wonderful.
A little back story first.
So, I was in the check-out line
at Wal-Mart a few days ago
when I got a picture text 
message from my best friend 
Brittney May,
and it was a picture of
the Salt Lake Temple with the
caption "Guess where I am."
I was floored!
She was in town for a conference
and so of course we made plans
to meet up!
There was going to be a 
Mormon Tabernacle Choir Concert
and she had an extra pass.
I was a little bummed that she
didn't get meet Ellory
or see Kale,
but I was more thrilled that I got 
to see her!

It was so hard to go home,
we could have talked all night.
This was just really special
and came at a time when I needed it.
It's so great to know that
even though we live far apart
and can go years without
seeing each other,
and aren't the best at keeping
each other updated on our lives,
it's still easy to hang out together
and just love each other
for who we both are.
I couldn't ask for a better best friend.
Special thanks to my mother-in-law,
Pam, for watching the kids for me.
I got home later than I'd expected,
but she just said it was all
She helps me out so much
all the time!

And that's about it.
Nothing super major happening
right now, but Tyler is 
on the job hunt,
so things will be happening 
in the not too distant 

Until then, adorable
pictures of these
kids will continue.

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