Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Easter Dresses and Ties

For Valentine's Day,
Nana sent Ellory this adorable outfit:

 Don't you love her little
Wesley pony tail?

And then one time,
she put on Tyler's hat:

So a while back
we did a little 
FHE activity about Nephi
building the boat.
And we built a 
tongue depresser
Kale loved it.
It was pretty fun:

Floating in the bathtub:

Our family has grown!
We now have a second vehicle.
We love it.
It's a Dodge Journey.
It's white.
It's spacious.
Recently, the Indoor World Championships
for track were in Portland,
and Tyler was able to work it.
The Sunday before it started
he had to go up to Portland to pick
up his credentials,
so we made a trip of it together
in our new ride.
The kids have a lot more room now:

And whoever is driving 
feels amazing

Ellory enjoyed reading
her ABC book:

And Kale was writing 
words that he saw
along the way:

On the way back,
we stopped at the Portland Temple
and let the kids run around.
Might be my new favorite.
I mean, these doors alone:

So there was this pool of 
water with stairs leading down to it.
It was really pretty,
and Tyler showed Kale 
at what stair he needed to stop
so that he wouldn't step in the water.
IMMEDIATELY after Tyler 
told him that,
Kale stepped on the next step
down and got his foot sopping wet.
And he cried.
And I had to take a picture:

After this point,
Tyler went with Kale
and I followed Ellory around.
She really loved this 
water fountain thing:

We love to see the temple!

On the way home we
plugged the ipad into the car
and the kids watched Insideout
with the sound coming out the 
car speakers.

Grandma Pam sent the kids
and Easter package,
which always an exciting event.
One of the presents for Kale
was marbles.

She also sent little Easter baskets
for us to put together.
Kale's was a chick and 
Ellory's was a bunny.
We put them together 
for FHE one night.

And we skyped with Grandma
to tell her how much we
loved the package!

We got a great treat this month...
Uncle Dain came to visit!!
He had a mission buddy getting married
in Portland,
so he and another mission buddy
drove up early so that Dain could spend some 
time with us.
They got here Thursday afternoon
and left for Portland on 
Friday around noon.
It was awesome!
Dain was THRILLED.
He started playing with him
right away.
Ellory was apprehensive at first,
but then followed Kale's lead.

Kale loved having his
Uncle pal around.

Friday morning we went to 
a park.
It was really cold,
so we didn't stay long.
But they drew with some chalk
and blew some bubbles.

Nana sent an Easter package, too.
In it was 3D chalk.
Kale was checking it out:

Dain got fancy with the
Elsa bubbles:

Look at that technique:

Ellory loves bubbles!

I took a picture of Dain
taking a selfie...

On the day before Easter,
the kids woke up to a surprise from
the Easter bunny.
He (or she) had left them
clues that led to
their presents.
Kale ate it up!

Ellory was annoyed that we were
doing something right after
she woke up.
Not exactly a morning person,
this girl.
She warmed up to the idea when 
she saw the M&M's though.

Dad helped Kale read the clues:

Each clue was inside an egg
hidden around the house.
This was my favorite one:

Ellory just wanted more chocolate

The presents ended up being inside
the dryer.
I tried to get a picture,
but they were a little too excited.
Kale got a clock and KungFu Panda 2.
Ellory got a Frozen book and The Croods.

Nana sent the kids ADORABLE
Easter outfits that we were all
excited to put on.
Look how cute these kids are:

I have no idea
what I'm doing when
it comes to Ellory's hair.

She sent Tyler a sharp looking tie
and she sent me beautiful jewelry.
(Talk about spoiled!)
Of course,
looking so dapper,
we had to get a picture.
We tried 3 times,
you decide which one is best

Easter was good.
We had our traditional ribs,
and this year I made the baked beans
Tyler's mom always makes.
They are dreamy.
I also did loaded mashed potatoes
and then Kale and I started a new tradition.
My mom sent a book for me
in the Easter package 
full of ideas for celebrating Easter 
with your family.
On idea was to make "Empty Tomb Rolls."
You put a marshmallow inside
roll dough along with
some cinnamon sugar.
Then, when you bake it the marshmallow
disappears and leaves an empty hole.
It was cool!
And Kale helped me make them.
Definitely doing that again.

Kale is really into space right now.
Over that last few months
we have been checking out books
from the library about
the planets and slowly making a 
solar system.
This is the finished result:

Kale loves to learn.
It's wonderful.
Ellory loves cheerios.
It's cute:

One afternoon I was trying
to get some stuff done 
in the kitchen
and these two rugrats
just really wanted to hang
with me and not play
with their toys.
So, hang with me they did:

The weather has taken a turn for
the beautiful here.
I'm talking sunny and 70.
So we have done a lot of
outside things.
Kale and I ate our lunch on
the deck:

And we went to the park.
A lot.

Kale did the monkey bars
for the first time!

Ellory and I went down the slide
about 53 times

Kale fell twice in about 5 minutes.
The first fall I was prepared
with a band-aid.
But that was my last one.
The second fall was worse.
We had to go to the store 
and get a little travel first-aid kit.
I felt so bad for Kale
that we went and got
Frozen Yogurt.
He loved being able to pick
out the toppings.
We took it to a park to eat
and then he felt much better and
continued to play.

We enjoyed General Conference!
Kale and I made a Bingo game
of words for him to listen for.
He did a great job!

Ellory was like,
what's happening?

Tyler went to San Francisco
with Track this past weekend.
This was his view at dinner:

I wasn't jealous at all.....
Last night was the Championship game,
and it was a big deal.
Our family bracket pool was now
down to just me and mom.
If UNC won, mom won.
If Villanova won, I won.
Tyler asked me to make
chicken wings for the occasion,
so I did.
They turned out pretty great!

And to top it all off,
Villanova won!!
Buzzer beater 3,
can't ask for any better than that.
Let the record show that,
for once,
the team I picked to win it all
actually did.
Tyler told me only 2.6% people
who filled out brackets
picked Villanova to win.
Just saying.

All in all,
it's been a great couple of weeks.
And it's only going to get better
because Nana is here!
We picked her up from the airport
this morning and Kale
is already in heaven.
Ellory is still warming up to her,
but we were expecting that.
She's here for a whole week
and we plan to make the most of it!

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