Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy Belated Birthday Uncle Jake!

Yesterday was my older brother's 26th birthday! Unfortunately he is all the way in Missouri right now so we couldn't celebrate with him :( I hope he was able to do something fun with his friends though.
My post is a little bit late because yesterday we were very busy with going to church and then heading out Payson way to celebrate Tyler's mom's birthday (which is actually today). Birthdays, birthdays, birthdays! Anyway, I am just so sad that I can't celebrate Jake's birthday with him, but I am grateful for the technology that enables me to do this:

I hope that smile brightens your day like it does mine, Jake! 
And I would just like to take this time to say that although our relationship hasn't
been the most conventional, ever since you went on your mission I have 
always known that my big brother loves me very much.
And now, nothing makes me happier than to know 
how much he loves my little boy. 
I love you Jake and we all miss you!
Happy Belated Birthday :)

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