Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Thanks Rachel


    You had to know this was coming. You had to know that profound influence you've had in my life. I refuse to believe you didn't know. When we were getting ready to move to Washington, I was nervous. We didn't know anyone up there, and I was afraid I was going to be very very lonely. And so, I prayed. I prayed that I would make just ONE friend. And then, I met you. You were an answer to my desperate prayer. Thank you! Thank you for following a prompting to ask me to be a co-leader with you on the 4th years overnight hike at Girls Camp. That is the only time in my life where I have actually enjoyed Girls Camp! Thank you for inviting us over for dinner all the time. Thank you for playing games with us. Thank you for having kids who wanted to play with Kale! 
    Thank you for caring about what was going on in my life. Thank you for always being aware. Thank you for being an amazing example of motherhood. Thank you for showing me that our kids want us to get down and play with them. Thank you for showing me that we will be happier if we don't let the little things get in our way. Thank you for showing me that just because I'm "grown up" and a mom doesn't mean I can't still have fun and be silly. Thank you for showing me that the most important thing a mom can do is make sure her kids know that she loves them.
   Thank you for all the times you strengthened my testimony by bearing yours. Thank you for being an example of someone who is always mindful of the Spirit and how the gospel effects our daily lives. Thank you for making and delivering a chocolate cake to me when I was pregnant and feeling sorry for myself and simply leaving it on my doorstep. Thank you for all the times you watched Kale for me when I was feeling sick or had a doctor's appointment. Thank you for being the someone I was going to rely on should the baby come before my mom came. Thank you for being so excited when Ellory was born. Thank you for taking her baby blessing pictures.
  Thank you for coming to visit us in Salem when you were on a long journey back home. Thank you for laughing with us and making that visit special even though it was short. Thank you for letting Tyler crash with you when he had to unexpectedly stay in Ellensburg after a football game. I was sooooooooooooooooooo jealous of him. I seriously considered driving up there. Thank you for your Sunday Family Photos. They are a little sad to look at because I miss you and your family so much, but I love watching them grow and change. 
   If I had never met you, I would be a different mother. I am not exaggerating. There are many times when the kids do something or want something, and I often think to myself, "Ok, how would Rachel handle this?" Because Bryn has little patience and a short temper. Thank  you for helping me to become closer to the mother my kids deserve. Thank you for being a wonderful friend. There are not many times in my life, when saying goodbye to friends, that I have cried. But I cried saying goodbye to you, because I truly didn't want to not have you nearby anymore. I was certain that I would never have another friend like you, because there is no one else like you. I love you, Rachel. Thank you for everything!

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