Monday, November 13, 2017

Thanks Brittney

Brittney May,

   Oh my bestest friend for so many years. I guess I'll start with, thank you for being my best friend since 6th grade. Do you remember how it happened? I don't. I just know that it did and we were inseparable for the next 6 years. Thank you for thinking I was cool. Thank you for having a secret notebook with me. Cinnamon and Ginger were two cool cats. Thank you for doing school sports with me. Thank you for convincing me to do plays with you. Thank you for being in band and choir with me. Thank you for being so humble about how good you were at all things musical. Thank you for knowing who you were, what you liked, and not basing that on what anyone else did or said. Thank you for letting me be who I wanted to be and not base our friendship on whether or not we liked or wanted the same things. Thank you for always being kind to everyone. You are the most inclusive person I've ever met. You will be friends with anyone.
   Thank you for all the sleepovers. Thank you for always wanting to double or group date with me to school dances. Thank you for telling me you thought I could do Drum Majoring with you.  Thank you for birthday surprises. Thank you for summers full of fun fun fun. Thank you for showing me most of the music I still love. Thank you for playing the piano with me. Thank you for convincing me to try out for Show Choir.
   Thank you for always being there. Thank you for listening. Thank you for being on my side. Thank you for letting me come spend a weekend with you at Wartburg. Thank you for sending me that WTF shirt. Still got it. Thank you for going out of your way to make sure you came and saw Tyler and me when we came to Iowa for our reception.  Thank you for taking me out and pampering me when I came to Iowa for Christmas when Kale was 1. Thank you for getting him a present. Thank you for letting me come to a MOTAB concert with you in Salt Lake City!
  I love that no matter how long it has been, *cough cough* years* cough cough*, when we do see each other again it doesn't even matter. Thank you for that. Thank you for understanding that even though I am terrible at keeping up with what's going on in your life, that I still care and I still wish you well.

 Because of you, middle school and high school were something that I enjoyed. I don't necessarily wish to go back to high school days, but I loved it. I had a blast. And that was because I had an awesome friend like you. I love you, boo!

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