Monday, September 3, 2012

September Rocks!

Happy September! 
It's the best month in the whole year, 
and I say that because the weather 
in September is the best.
Especially here in Ellensburg.
It's been GORGEOUS!
It's so great to have the windows open and
to next to never run the air.

Not too much has happened. 
Tyler has been working at the high school like mad
and had to go to his first away football game
on Friday, all the way to freakin Spokane!

Ellensburg hosts the Kittitas County Fair
and it is a huge deal around here.
They don't start school until after Labor Day
because of this Fair.
We haven't gone because it costs money
and we aren't really Fair people.

After we'd been here a week there was a huge
fire just north of Ellensburg.
We didn't know about it because
we don't have TV,
but we saw the ginormous cloud
of smoke and then looked online to find out 
what was going on.
It was a really bad fire and it got within about 10 miles
of us, which freaked me out.
It was raging out of control when we were heading 
for bed and we just had no idea if it was going
to make it to our house.
So, we decided to pack a bag and put it by the 
door, just in case a policeman banged on 
our door in the middle of the night
and told us to get out.
Here's what we packed:

1. Two days worth of clothes
2. Some food
3. Laptop
4. Ipods
5. Kindle/Nook
6. Camera
7. Video camera
8. A folder containing all our legal documents
9. Kale's diaper bag stuff
10. Scriptures

That was it.
It was really strange to actually say,
Ok, our house might burn down, 
so we literally have to choose what 
we'd take, right now.
Luckily we did not have to evacuate :)

Anywho, other than that, we've just been 
hanging out and enjoying
the beautiful weather.
Kale is still adjusting to a new place
His sleeping habits are...deplorable!
But he's still adorable, so 
I forgive him :)

Here are some pics!

  Isn't he so handsome! The flash kept making
                him blink :)
Go Cougars!!

I love it when he holds our hands.

He was so frustrated that he couldn't
crawl up the slide. 
It was hilarious.

Kale! Stop eating the rocks! 
(This is what you would constantly hear me saying if you were at the park with us.) 

Kale LOVES puppies.


Footy pajamas are the best :)

My boys doing some reading together :)

1 comment:

  1. September Birthday Rocks Album!!!! Your birthday is coming up!!!!
