Friday, August 3, 2012

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu....

Well, we have reached our last few days in Provo. 
Tomorrow we will be loading up the truck and then come early Monday morning we'll be rolling out of this town. 
I am really excited to get to Washington because I think that it's going to be fun, but I am sad to be leaving Tyler's family. 
They are all so great and I know that it will take some getting used to not to have any family nearby.
But that's life and I'm ready for it!
Although I must say that I am truly not looking forward to the drive.
Mostly because of Kale; he's normally a good boy in the car,
but when he gets mad, watch out!
Hopefully we can keep him distracted with treats :)

Speaking of Kale, let's give an update on his doings.
He turned 10 months old yesterday!
He started walking just about a week and a half ago and he's getting
better at it all the time. 
He eats all kinds of food now and actually prefers
real food to baby food.
He can say mama and dad, which is absolutely adorable.
One of his top teeth has come down and the other
one is just behind it! 
He looks pretty silly when he smiles right now.

The other day we went to the pool for the last time in Provo,
and it was the BEST pool day ever.
We were there for almost 3 hours!
Kale discovered the stairs and was pretty obsessed with going up and down them
for a while.
Then, he discovered that he could walk around in the deeper end
if he held on to my hand.
And so, I spent the better part of an hour walking
around with him while he watched the bigger
kids play and I watched
him squeal with delight.
He does this thing now where he picks things up 
off the ground and then holds
them high above his head
for me to see.
What an adorable little boy!
I call him Kale-Bear now :)

Kale and I were sitting in front of our apartment when a storm suddenly blew in.
We decided to run around in the 
rain for a bit.
He was fascinated by it all.

He's always happy after a nice bath!

Look at him walk!!!

He is even more adorable when he sleeps.

We went to visit Marlee and ended up going to the little
park area right next to her apartment.
We just can't say no to an opportunity to swing!

Well, that's about all the update I have.
Tomorrow we will be picking up our truck and then
heading to my niece, Addison's, baptism.
Then, it will be time to load 
the truck up and clean the apartment.
Hopefully we can relax tomorrow night and all
day Sunday to prepare for the long trip.

Farewell Provo!
Next post will be coming at you from Washington :)

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